"Let go, let go..." Gu Yuehong exclaimed like a frightened rabbit.

"Yuehong, what's wrong with you?" Fu Shuzhen asked puzzled.

"Mom?" Gu Yuehong turned her head and secretly relieved, "At home...what's wrong with the home?" She asked cautiously.

Speaking of this, Fu Shuzhen looked unhappy, "Your grandpa is hospitalized and has a heart attack."

"Then... Then the police and lawyers shouldn't come home either!"

"Who knows, your grandpa does things, we are qualified to know." The sour tone made the lawyers passing by frowned.

"Where is my brother?"

"Still busy dealing with things! I have to go to the hospital later."

"Then we want to go there?" Gu Yuehong slowly shrank back, regretting again, fearing, and frightened in her heart. There is a hint of excitement when all kinds of complicated hearts come together.

The heavy mountain on the body of a big family is finally about to collapse, can she not be excited!

Fu Shuzhen sneered, "We are qualified to go there! Honestly wait for news at home! Are you going to live in school? Why do you keep running home recently? Isn't the school busy?"

"Not busy, not busy."

While the mother and daughter were talking, Gu Sinian had already sent the last batch of police and lawyers out, and stopped when they passed by the two of them. A pair of deep eyes swept across Gu Yuehong's body without a trace, revealing a meaningful smile.

"Brother." Gu Yuehong suppressed the panic in her heart and greeted provocatively. "what are you busy with?"

"Grandpa made a will."

Fu Shuzhen and her daughter were surprised, and asked in unison: "What did it say? How is the property divided?"

Gu Sinian sneered, "Will, let's wait until Grandpa is dead!"

"Gu Sinian, what do you mean?" Fu Shuzhen was furious, "Are there elders like us in your eyes?"

"No!" The cold and ruthless words instantly suppressed Fu Shuzhen's anger, she almost couldn't stand still. Fortunately, Gu Yuehong held her by the side in time, and both mother and daughter were shocked.

Gu Yuehong's face was pale, her lips trembling looked at Gu Sinian, the eyes of the two collided in mid-air. The meaning of Gu Sinian's smile was unclear, but Gu Yuehong instantly understood.

She was calculated by Gu Sinian. When she was thinking about how to get rid of Grandpa's sitting on the mountain, Gu Sinian had already grabbed the entire Gu family into the palm of her hand. It is best for grandpa not to die. Once she dies, she will definitely be pushed out by Gu Sinian.


Gu Yuehong gritted her teeth fiercely, and the dumb couldn't tell the bitterness of eating coptis. Say she is not the murderer? Said that she was not rebellious? Don't say she really did it, she has left evidence in Gu Sinian's hands. Even if I didn't do it, the result was the same.

"You are so vicious." She gritted her teeth and stared at Gu Sinian.

"It's you who are too stupid." He was so stupid, but he was self-righteous.

"You are behind the scenes..." Gu Yuehong pointed at Gu Sinian's nose, wishing to go up and tear him apart, "I won't let you go."

"You still think about how to protect yourself wisely!" Gu Sinian snorted coldly, and left with someone.

Fu Shuzhen listened to the dumb riddles between the two for a long time, but did not understand what it meant. When the people left, he said angrily: "Yuehong, don't worry, he can't do anything about thinking about the year. There are still your father and your uncle at home, and he can't be this family."

She didn't believe how powerful a young man in her twenties could be. Usually, he was the heir appointed by the old man, so he gave him some face and really took himself seriously.

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