The person who was originally crawling on the ground jumped up happily when he heard her voice, hugged Gu Yunbo excitedly, and jumped up and down. "Sister Bo, Sister Bo, you finally came to see me, I want to kill you."

"Let go, let go." This bastard, whose strength has become so strong, is about to strangle her.

"Don't let go, don't let go." Gao Jinglin excitedly refused to let go, "You are too unconscionable, I went to you, you didn't see me. You didn't come to see me yourself, did you forget me ?"

"..." Why do you complain so much when you hear this?

The movement of the two people attracted the attention of the entire shooting range. Xu Qigang held the rifle in his hand and stayed blank.

Guan Dajiang's jaw almost fell off, and he muttered to himself, "Is this Gao Jinglin a fool?"

"Courage is commendable." Xu Qigang said concisely.

"Admire, admire." Tang Hao gave a thumbs up, "From then on, Gao Jinglin is the person I admire most."

"I can already think of his 120 ways to die." Xu Qigang looked at Gao Jinglin sympathetically, "Don't he know how overbearing the battalion commander's possessiveness is?"

"So he is a fool."

Guan Dajiang gloated and said, "Don't say that about our battalion commander. I think our battalion commander is not only capable, but also has a good temper. Why is it so terrifying by you?"

Xu Qigang looked at him with weird eyes, the meaning was really obvious. ‘This man is also a fool. ’

"I said Mr. Guan, did you touch your own conscience to say this?" Tang Hao couldn't bear to look directly. When he didn't know the battalion commander, he also had all kinds of admiration, all kinds of worship, and a mess of yearning for the young commander in his mind.

Since I met, I've been in a complete mess of fear. Battalion commander, it's scary when you don't smile, and even more scary when you smile. The most terrifying thing is that others don't know his horror.

"Cough..." Can't bear to watch Gao Jinglin continue to be stupid, Xu Qigang coughed deliberately and reprimanded loudly: "What are you doing Gao Jinglin? Is there not enough confinement?"

Gao Jinglin immediately acted like a rabbit, letting go of his hand instantly and then pounced on the ground to continue lying down.

Gu Yunbo was finally liberated. She was a vengeful person. She raised her foot and kicked it again. Tang Hao called her away.

"Sister Bo came to see our battalion commander?"

"Yeah! I heard that he went to the regiment department."


"Then you continue, I will wait for him in his office."

"it is good!"

When Gao Jinglin heard that she was leaving, he immediately turned his head to look pitiful, and he almost shed a few tears, "Sister Bo, wait for me!"

"..." Gu Yunbo was speechless, and she shouldn't have been thinking about finding these two defects for a while.

"Wait for me..." Gao Jinglin stretched out his hand exaggeratedly, and continued to sell it miserably, "Sister Bo, you don't know, what I have been living these days is simply not what people should live."

"Is that a pig?" Gu Yunbo's mouth was sharp, "I didn't see you fat as a pig?"

"I am a thin monkey."

"Get out!" This stinky boy, his mouth is getting cheaper and cheaper, who he learned from. It was inconvenient to continue disturbing other people's normal training. She walked away quickly, and when her figure disappeared, there was a loud laughter from behind.

"Gao Jinglin, are you still shameless?"


"You have lost all the face of our investigation camp."

" the future, don't say you are the number one recruit. Our recruits can't afford your number one."

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