May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 320: court death

"It's impossible up there, but I can put you on the table." Meng Fan curled his lips and showed a smile that would never appear on his face in ordinary times, and then he sealed her lips without giving her any chance to speak.


The room was enthusiastic, and the hallways outside were sneaky.

"It's not allowed to enter." The little soldier standing guard, guarding the corridor in a humble manner to stop these sneaky people.

"Er Gouzi, you are awesome!"

"Yes, let us in."

"It's so late, no order is not allowed to enter casually." The little soldier glanced at the crowd and said solemnly: "If you don't leave, you will all be arrested and detained and criticized."

The troop’s work and rest schedule is very strict, especially for the core troops of the investigation battalion, the archives room, the ordnance room, the communications office, the battalion commander’s office, and other places are all on guard 24 hours a day.

"We are here to deliver food to Sister Bo."

"Yes! Sister Bo hasn't eaten yet tonight!"

"The battalion commander didn't eat it either!"

The little soldier raised his head and stood upright, "No way!" He raised the head's rifle, "Will I be leaving, I will shoot." All those who can enter the reconnaissance battalion are bold, none of them. Persuaded.

The little soldier said he wanted to shoot, so he really dared to shoot. Gao Jinglin and a group of people said they really dared to do it. So the corridors are lively, you come to the market with a loud voice.

"Sister Bo, Sister Bo, help!" Gao Jinglin's voice was shocking.

Not far away, Xu Qigang stood erect, and beside him was the dastardly Meng Ping, wearing camouflage uniforms, and there was no military temperament at all.

Only one day after arriving at the investigation camp, the nurses in the medical room were all taken away by him.

Xu Qigang glanced at him obliquely, and shook his head secretly. Sometimes it really doesn't have much to do with looks. Meng Fan has never been close to that female soldier for so many years. Except for the white swan, no female soldier dared to lean against him blatantly, even if she liked it, she was sneaky.

But Meng Ping was good, it was a male peacock who opened the screen, and it was hard to say.

"Living Hades, these **** are looking for death!" Meng Ping smiled gloatingly, rubbing his chin and said: "My eldest brother and my sister-in-law have not come out for so long, and they haven't eaten dinner. Obviously, they did a good job. Now If I rushed in and disturbed my brother's good things, I guess he would have a murderous heart."

When I finished speaking, I didn't forget the ambiguous smile.

Xu Qigang glanced at him coldly, it was really difficult to merge the person in front of him with Meng Fan. Not like two brothers at all.

"Let them make trouble, hahaha... it's good if they make a big noise." Who wants him to dare to brazenly punish him when he just came today.

"You can't run either."

"Why?" Meng Ping jumped up, "I honestly didn't participate in the whole process."

"I plan to hand you to Gao Jinglin to take the training." Gao Jinglin was punished, and if he was in a bad mood, Meng Ping could not escape.

Meng Ping's eyes widened, and he roared fiercely: "Why? Gao Jinglin, a hairy boy, is there any right to lead me?"

"Or let Commander Meng take it?"

"Forget it, forget Gao Jinglin!" If he dares to let the old man train, can he still see the sun tomorrow?


In the office, Meng Fan stopped at the last moment. His handsome face was covered with fine beads of sweat, and his sword eyebrows were frowned, which was obviously painful forbearing. He stretched out his hand to put Gu Yunbo's clothes on, then hugged her tightly in his arms, without moving for a long time.

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