May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 322: uninvited guest

"Too busy, I don't have time." Meng Fan half drooped his eyelids, frowning into small hills. "I wanted to accompany you more, but the group leader called out and cancelled the vacation."

"Did something happen to the south?"


The two talked while eating.

"It is said that the boss of the Xiao organization came in person. The situation there is very tense and war will break out at any time. Our field corps may be split up to support the Southern Xinjiang War."

"You want to go too?"

"Yeah!" Meng Fan didn't see how fast he ate, but a bowl of rice ate quickly. After putting down the chopsticks and lunch box, he got up and poured himself a glass of boiled water.

The seaweed egg soup is small and left for Yunbo to drink.

"I'll tell you in advance, when I'm away, remember to take good care of yourself."

Gu Yunbo squeezed his chopsticks tightly, and his heart kept sinking to the bottom. Sure enough, the ones who should come will come, and they can't hide. "Don't worry, I will wait for your return at home honestly."

Meng Fan finally smiled after hearing this, "Okay! Really good!" Rubbing her hair with satisfaction.

"Where is Shen Yu?" She only needs to make sure whether Shen Yu will participate.

"He is locked at home now and can't go anywhere."

"That's good!" Gu Yunbo breathed a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart that when the little star was gone, she would follow no matter how she found a chance. Although the situation is tense now, Xiaoxingxing and the others have been in a bad shape all the way. What is really dangerous is the last battle of suppression at the end of the war.

Fighting with the local forces, criminals, and mercenaries in southern Xinjiang is the most dangerous.

It's 1980!

There is still a year for her to prepare.

"What are you thinking about?" Meng Fan was a little dissatisfied with her trance, and flicked her forehead with her fingers, "Hurry up and eat, the food is cold."

"Oh!" Gu Yunbo didn't want to make him angry, he ate the food obediently, and under the pressure of his eyes, he finished the seaweed egg soup he didn't like.


Meng Fan said hello to the instructor, and drove Gu Yunbo back to the city by himself overnight. He was stopped when he arrived at the old compound.

The lights of the off-road vehicle brightened Gu Si Nianzhao standing in front of the vehicle. The eyebrows were picturesque, the half-closed eyes were a little uncomfortable under the light, and the eyebrows were twisted into a hill.

Gu Yunbo was sitting in the co-pilot's position, a flash of surprise flashed through his eyes. She hasn't seen this pervert for a long time. Why does it seem to have changed a lot?

"This is Gu Sinian." She said.

"I know, you are in the car, I will go down and take a look." Meng Fan turned off the headlights, then turned off the car and got off.

Finally, without being dazzled by the car's headlights, Gu Sinian opened his eyes and stared at the co-pilot Gu Yunbo for an instant. Those eyes were so gloomy but with a trace of crazy flames.

It seemed that the volcano was about to erupt, and it took everyone to pieces.

Gu Yunbo didn't like being looked at with such eyes very much, and she even didn't like such eyes around her. Because it indicates this danger, and also indicates that oneself may become the prey of others.

Who likes to be the prey of others?

She put away the ease on her face, and returned the same look to Gu Sinian. Not to mention, at this moment the facial features and expressions of the two of them were surprisingly similar. I have to say that Gu's family has strong genes.

They are all the same person. Including Gu Yuehong, don't say anything wrong! It just depends on who is more ruthless and whose means is higher.

Gu Yunbo sat still in the car, watching Meng Fan approach and talk to Gu Sinian. The originally gloomy young man put away the edges and corners of his body when talking to Meng Fan, looking handsome.

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