May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 324: opportunity

She has been surrounded by people around her for more than a year. All the classmates envied her that she could marry Gu Sinian immediately. In her heart, Gu Sinian was already her husband.

Ability, good-looking, good family background.

Such a husband is much better than those who are poor soldiers and farming.

She must not let go of this opportunity.

"Yunbo, can tell me something nice in a moment!" Ping Simin held her hand and refused to let go. "This is my last chance. I know Gu Sinian doesn't like me. But I will try to make him fall in love and wait for me."

Gu Yunbo looked at Ping Simin condescendingly. Since his rebirth, Ping Simin has never spoken to himself in such a low tone! She looked up and saw Zhu Meihua standing outside the inpatient department.

My heart is indescribable gloomy and depressed.

"Yunbo please, because my dad always treats you as his own daughter, please help me!" Ping Simin said, his eyes were red, "I really can't lose Gu Si year."

"What you don't want to lose is Gu's identity?" She asked coldly.

Ping Simin was taken aback, and then shook her head frantically, "No, no..." She bit her lip and stammered until the end and said: "I admit that I went for my identity at the beginning, but now I really like him."

After she finished speaking, she didn't forget to take a peek at Meng Fan, who had walked away, "It's not the same as when she liked the young commander. It's really different."

Ping Siming's difference changed Gu Yunbo's thinking.

She is a hard-hearted person, and it is definitely not so easy to ask her to help, especially to help her enemies.

Gu Sinian has been waiting! Finding that Gu Yunbo had been talking to Ping Simin, he urged impatiently: "Hurry up, Grandpa is running out of time."

Ping Simin shivered in fright.

"Wait!" Gu Yunbo didn't like him. She never regarded herself as a member of the Gu family in her heart, so naturally there was no affection for him.

Gu Sinian was rushed. Everyone thought he would get angry, but he endured it and stood on the side waiting patiently.

Ping Simin saw that his excited hands were shaking. She knew that Gu Sinian was willing to listen to Gu Yunbo's words. She... suddenly thought of Gu Yuehong's ambiguous words in her ears, and the blood on her face quickly faded.

Impossible...absolutely impossible, this is totally unethical.

"It's fine if you want me to help you, but I have one condition."

"What conditions do you say."

She raised her hand, waved Ping Simin's hand away, and said coldly: "Let Zhu Meihua, tell Uncle Ping what happened back then."

"What...what do you mean?" Ping Simin looked blank. "What do you want my mother to say?"

Gu Yunbo hooked Zhu Meihua, who was standing outside. Zhu Meihua was startled when she saw her movements, and didn't want to go in at all. At this time, as an outsider, she was actually not qualified to come over, but she couldn't hold back her thinking, so she had to come.

The look in Gu Yunbo's eyes just now made her feel dangerous, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

"Please come in!"

The Gu family guarding the door made a gesture, and Zhu Meihua had to bite the bullet and come in.


Gu Yunbo looked at Ping Simin, "Tell Aunt Zhu what I just said." Since Zhu Meihua didn't say a word, he staggered away and went directly to the ward with Meng Fan's arm.

The special ward that Mr. Gu lives in is very large, with a full forty square meters. According to the specifications, the person who can live here must be the head of the back.

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