"Why are you so thin?" The old man looked distressed, "I didn't take care of my daughter, let alone you! I..." He didn't come up in a breath and almost fainted.

The lawyer hurriedly came up to help pat him on the back, and it took him a long time to relax.

"Sir, you need to rest." The lawyer said worriedly.

"No, I'll rest forever after I'm finished." When talking to the lawyer, even if he was lifeless, Old Man Gu was still unrelenting.

"You don't need to blame yourself." Gu Yunbo said calmly: "The fate of my mother and I are our own choices. My mother's misfortune cannot be blamed on anyone. It is also her own choice."

Her words made Old Man Gu stunned for a long time before he could react.

"So you don't have to blame yourself, everyone must be responsible for their own choices and their own stupidity! Blaming others is an excuse for the weak!"

The lawyer on the side cast appreciative eyes.

"It's really my granddaughter of Gu Yuanlou." The old man smiled with relief, "You are right!" This is also his lifelong motto.

He knew that he was drugged and betrayed by a trusted confidant, but he would not complain. I don't want to blame others. If I want to blame, I can only blame myself for being old, and only when my heart becomes soft, I give others a chance.

"This is Lawyer Hao, the only person I can trust."

"Hello, my name is Hao Wenhua, you can call me Uncle Hao."

Gu Yunbo didn't quite understand what Gu Yuanlou meant, but for the sake of his dying, he could only nod his head and say hello to Hao Wenhua. She remembered that the last time she met, the person next to Gu Yuanlou was not the one in front of her!

Is it a betrayal?

Or has it been processed?

"Hello." Gu Yunbo nodded, saying hello, but he didn't really call Uncle Hao.

Hao Wenhua glanced at her unexpectedly, and then looked at Old Man Gu.

"How about? This is the person who looks most like me." Grandpa Gu knew that Yunbo wouldn't call Uncle Hao casually, so how could he call it so easily. "Wenhua, take things out."

"Yes!" Hao Wenhua nodded, and took out a thick stack of documents from his bag and handed it to Gu Yunbo. "This is the old man's will. He is worried, so he wants to watch you sign it with his own eyes."

Gu Yunbo couldn't laugh or cry, "You called me overnight for this?"

"Yeah!" When Grandpa Gu gasped, he huffed like a broken bellows. "Look at you and tell the funeral."

"I thought..." She didn't say the last words. She thought Gu Yuanlou called herself to ask for forgiveness, or asked herself to call him grandpa.

Isn't it all in movies like this?

"Yunbo...you sign it!" Old Man Gu said weakly, "I'm dying and planted a big somersault. There is not much left for you..." Before he could speak, he closed with difficulty. I closed my eyes, and for a long time I could only hear Grandpa Gu's strenuous gasping voice in the ward.

Hao Wenhua persuaded in a low voice: "Yunbo, please sign! Originally, the old gentleman wanted to give you all his property, but..."

"What happened?" She is not curious about property. Anyway, she spends more if she has money, and spends less if she doesn't, so she doesn't say that she cares a lot.

"That's it..."


The door of the ward was closed tightly. Gu Sinian stood outside, and everyone else stood silently on both sides of the door. It was already half past two in the morning, and Gu Yunbo went in for three full hours.

If there is anything, it should be over for such a long time.

Didn’t it mean that the old man was dying? Since he is dying, how can he have the energy to say so much?

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