"Look at it?" Su Hai walked to the cabinet and poured himself a glass of water, and said angrily: "If you are not married, I doubt you like men."

"Ahem...Uncle, your mind is open enough."

"Not as good as you." Others say that he is a fox. Let him say that the cheap nephew is the biggest fox. "What the **** is coming to see me so late? Come on! Get out of me when you're finished."

"That's it." Meng Fan put on a serious expression, "Gu Yuanlou is about to die."

"That old guy?" Su Hai put down the cup in his hand and thought for a while before saying: "I remember his body has always been very good, and he is a person who pays special attention to maintenance. How could he die so soon? Did he do it?" I don't know what he thought, a sly fox smile appeared on his handsome face.

"If he just died like this, it would definitely be the biggest joke."

"I don't know the specific reason. Yunbo and I just came back from the hospital. Gu's family are there. If you want to find out the real reason, you can only ask your uncle to go out." He is about to be transferred to the Southern Military Region. , When will come back later is uncertain. Leaving Yunbo alone to face Gu's family, he was really worried and could only ask his uncle for help.

Su Hai thought for a while, drank the water in the cup, and then said, "Gu Yuanlou is dead. The rest of the Gu family can't wait to tear Yunbo to pieces, right?"

"Yeah!" Meng Fan nodded helplessly, "Gu Yuanlou is indeed very eccentric, but his eccentricity did not bring benefits to Yunbo's mother and daughter, but difficulties and misfortunes."

All the reasons are in Gu Yuanlou, because his paranoia has caused everything now.

"I see." Su Hai promised simply, "By the way, are you going to be transferred to the Southern Military District?"

"Yeah! Uncle, your news is indeed the most informed in the entire Northern Military Region." Meng Fan put down the big stone in his heart, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's you." Su Hai gave him a blank look, "You still don't leave? If you dare to come to me so late in the future, don't blame me for being polite."

"Got it!" Meng Fan got up, "I may go to the Southern Military Region in two days. Uncle Yunbo will trouble you."

"Okay, don't be long-winded." Su Hai yawned and waved to give away.

This bastard, wait for him.


The next morning, Su Hai freshened up and went downstairs for breakfast, and saw Gu Yunbo playing chess with the old man. Two stinky chess baskets, but the chess pieces are not good, like regretting chess, but also like to shame.

When he went downstairs, he was about to fight.

"Grandpa, you're shameless." Gu Yunbo said angrily, "Someone walked twice in a row. This time it's my turn to go."

"Huh! Don't think I'm dim in my eyes. Why did your car come here in the blink of an eye just now?" Elder Su glared at him, "Okay! You junior, don't know." Respect the old."

"You are poor in chess, and you say I don't respect the old? Do you love the young?"

"I didn't see that you were young."

"I didn't see that you are old!"

Originally the old man was very angry, but when Gu Yunbo said this, he immediately smiled. "Bobo, are you true?"


"Say I'm not old at all."

"Of course." Gu Yunbo smiled slyly, and Shun secretly moved another chess piece.

"Forget it, I won't care about you because you are so good at talking." Grandpa Su said that he was very generous.

Su Hai stood on the stairs, watching the little movements of the two in the whole process, and shook his head helplessly. The old man alone lowered the IQ of the entire Su family!

What a shame.

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