May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 333: Despise you

Elder Su's hands were shaking, and he looked like he wanted to cry, "How can I support? I just want to beat him and break his leg."

"Grandpa, you are an old antique. Feudal thinking is wrong."

"Bobo! What's the possibility of what you said? Don't scare grandpa! I'm so timid, I can't help scaring." Father Su only needs to think that his youngest son never gets married, not because he can't get his beloved woman. If you don't get a beloved man, you feel that your whole life is gloomy.

He can't afford to be ashamed. If it is true, how can he go out to meet his old comrades?

Why do you straighten your waist in front of Old Man Hai?

Gu Yunbo looked serious, "Eighty-nine-nine-tenth, no! It's 100%! Grandpa, you don't know that there are many foreign countries in this situation. It is already normal."

It turned out that Su Fox loved so deeply and so painfully. Everyone had misunderstood her before. When she saw Sheng Ning, she must persuade Sheng Ning to treat Su Huli better.

Otherwise the conscience will hurt.

"Why don't you leave ten?" The voice of negative test sounded from behind.

Gu Yunbo jumped up suddenly, turned his head and saw that Su Hai was standing behind her, with a sneer on his lips. The smile is really not half the temperature, but it makes people look panic.

"Little... Uncle, have you had breakfast?" Gu Yunbo smiled dryly.

"Hmm!" Su Hai smiled and nodded, "What were you talking about just now?"

"I didn't say anything..." Gu Yunbo waved his hand again and again, and Grandpa Su couldn't help but want to ask him personally. Just when Gu Yunbo opened her mouth, she was discovered by Gu Yunbo, and she hurriedly covered the old man's mouth.

"Don't tell me, grandpa, we were just playing chess and didn't say anything, really!" It's dying. If Su Fox knew what she just said, it would be a big trouble.

"I really didn't say anything?" Su Hai folded his arms around his chest, lazily, "Why do I seem to hear that love is deep?"

"Ah? Oh... I mean I have a deep love with Little Xingxing. Little Xingxing's army is too busy and there is no time to accompany me. I'm here to take pains with Grandpa!" Gu Yunbo praised his wit, the more he said The more I felt that was the case, "Uncle, don't you need to go to the army today?"

"No, I'm asking for leave today. I want to spare time to discuss with you guys." Su Hai slowly put away his smile and looked at Gu Yunbo condescendingly.

"Nephew and daughter-in-law, would you like to explain to me, like talking about men."

Fuck! Sure enough, he heard it, this Su Fox was so unscrupulous that he actually listened to others. Gu Yunbo let go of the old man Su, hiding behind him and agitated: "Grandpa, you see that my uncle is too rude, how can I say this to a girl with a yellow flower? It will lead people to harm."

"Ahem..." Grandpa Su couldn't listen anymore, "Bobo!"


"Can it be complicated?"

"What can't you do?" Gu Yunbo looked dumbfounded, why did he say that Little Xingxing was no good? Their little star is very good, okay?

Elder Su blinked his eyes and smiled a little wretchedly, "It's just... in any way!"

Gu Yunbo suddenly realized, and then went into a rage. How dare you say whether their little star can do it, little star is so powerful that it makes people want to die? "No! Don't talk nonsense. Grandpa, you are not ashamed, I despise you."

"...Bobo, you are shameless."

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