Speaking of this, Mr. Su was also very happy, and smiled gleefully, "You didn't see Lao Hai's face just now, as ugly as it is, hahaha..."

"..." So Grandpa hadn't spoken before, not angry or disgusted with her cruelty, but always laughing? If you don't speak, you can't help but laugh out loud?

Gu Yunbo felt that she had really opened her eyes today. Why did she miss so many interesting souls in her previous life?

"Gu Yunbo, someone is looking for it!" In the duty room at the gate of the compound, a little soldier rushed over, standing on the edge of the playground and shouting loudly, "It's at the gate!"

Gu Yunbo looked at it suspiciously. She had no friends, who would find it here?

"Who is it?"

"A woman, her name is Zhu Meihua." There were regulations at the door that all visitors had to register their credentials, so the little soldier answered clearly.

Why did Zhu Meihua come to see her? Isn't it because Ping Simin really forced Zhu Meihua to confess with Ping Guofei according to her words? Even so, you shouldn't come to her.

Now Zhu Meihua has been betrayed by her own daughter, and the persecution has almost jumped the wall. Coming now, it's a bit unkind to comers.

"Are you going to drive away?" The little soldier saw that she didn't say to go out to see people, nor did she say to let people come in, so he guessed if she didn't know him.

"No, I'll go and see." Gu Yunbo looked at Grandpa Su, "Grandpa, you go home and rest first, I'll go out."

"Okay! Go! If you encounter a problem that can't be solved, remember to tell me, old man, I'll help you."

"Thank you!" She gave a soft smile, and then followed the little soldier out.

"Sister-in-law, I will go with you." Meng Ping was really bored and took the initiative to go out with Gu Yunbo. When the two reached the gate, they saw Zhu Meihua who was stopped outside, with messy hair, pale face and deep dark circles under her eyes.

She was taken aback and didn't see her in just one day. How could she make herself like this? Sure enough, only the knife stabbed by the closest person will feel pain?

Stabbing a person with a blunt knife hurts the most, and she has realized a knack for revenge! In the past life, I have done everything I have done recently, and finally the revenge is revenge, and I can't feel any joy at all. In this life, she planned to let the Ping Family go, but they did it themselves.

This is retribution, and Skynet recovers from negligence without leaking.

"Gu Yunbo." Zhu Meihua saw her running to her swiftly, staring at her with bloodshot eyes, "You all know, don't you?"

"What do you know?" She asked amusingly: "What did you know about that?",

"I know... I know..." To tell the nasty things she did personally, Zhu Meihua didn't have the courage, so she hesitated for a long time and refused to say it. Finally, his gaze met Gu Yunbo's ironic look, and gritted his teeth viciously: "Do you know what I did to Gu Weiwei?"

"What did you say?" She just didn't take the initiative to say it, but looked at her with oppressive eyes. This made Zhu Meihua's heart more oppressive and nervous.

The more she didn't say it, the more she had no bottom in her heart. She knew that Gu Yunbo must have known everything a long time ago, but she paralyzed herself again, perhaps Gu Yunbo didn't know.

In fact, she knows everything.

Zhu Meihua figured this out and never went around with her anymore, instead she replaced her with a sad expression and accused: "I didn't expect you to be so vicious and so calm."

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