"I'm sorry! Uncle Ping." When others give respect, he will also respect him, "I think I must be on Yunbo's side in this matter." Because he is Yunbo's strongest backing.

"I know." Ping Guofei's muddy eyes became transparent and firm, "I don't blame girl Yunbo. From the first time I saw her, I knew what this child was like. Meihua didn't take the initiative. , She will not take the initiative to hurt others."

"Yeah!" Meng Fan gave a slight smile, "It is true! But if others hurt her, she will repay it a hundred times."

"I was wrong! Everything was my fault." Ping Guofei was full of guilt and self-blame, "I knew it would be like this. I shouldn't be softhearted to take Yunbo back. It hurt Meihua and Yunbo too. ."

"No!" The corner of Meng Fan's mouth even had a smile that made people think it was an illusion. "It's not you, nor Yunbo, but the original Zhu Meihua."

"You..." As the saying goes, the deceased is the greatest, and Meihua is dead. With Meng Fan's cultivation, she would never say such a thing. Ping Guofei looked at him with puzzled and disappointed eyes.

"Let me tell you a story!" Meng Fan said in a low-pitched voice, "Yunbo was born in a poor and backward mountainous area. His mother was crazy and his father was unknown. He grew up eating a hundred families. Can you imagine how hard it is?"

Ping Guofei nodded silently. Of course he knows, and it is because of knowing that he has a special preference for this child. "I know you don't need to talk about these things, I know you are in a hurry to go to the police station, just say it!"

"Hmm!" Meng Fan was not angry, because he was really anxious to see Yunbo. The reason why I put her on the last one was because I was afraid that once I saw her, I would lose my sanity and go crazy again.

When facing the Ping family, his identity as a family member of the suspect is bound to be insufficiently intelligent and competent.

"I wish Auntie Gu and Yunbo's mother Gu Weiwei were sent to the same place as an educated youth. There was only one quota for returning to the city. Originally it was Gu Weiwei, but the day before returning to the city, Gu Weiwei was anonymously reported on life style issues. This quota for returning to the city became Aunt Zhu."

Ping Guofei staggered, and a terrible thought came up in his mind, "Did Meihua report it?"

"Well! My cousin Yin Nan personally investigated it, and there is absolutely nothing wrong."

"Yunbo knows?"

"From the current situation, it must be known. There will be no Aunt Zhu’s report, and there will be no misfortune for Yunbo and Gu Weiwei’s mother and daughter. You should know that Gu Weiwei will be taken by Gu Yuanlou once he returns to the city. turn up."

With so many twists and turns, Ping Guofei would not be able to digest it for a while. But Meng Fan didn't give him a plan to digest, and the following words were even more shocking.

"You and Aunt Zhu are the other people you know about participating in the youth selection activity together. Later, they kept communicating to deepen each other's feelings, and finally came together?"

"How do you know?" He always liked the process of getting to know Meihua, but Meihua was reluctant to mention it after he got married, and he never said it again.

"Think carefully about the person who wrote the letter. Is the person who actually saw him the same person?" Meng Fan's eyes were burning, and he looked at him so calmly, but Ping Guofei shuddered, as if he fell into the ice in broad daylight. In the hole.

He thought, thought a lot. I think of the talent in the letter, of Zhu Meihua's attitude that she has always avoided talking about, and of the look in her eyes every time she mentions her guilty conscience.

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