May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 350: Meet (see monthly pass)

"Ahem!" Zhou Jin gave everyone under his hand a white glance, "What do you look at? Are you stupid?"

"Deputy Captain, what did the victim's family say?"

"Is the forensic examination in the hospital finished?"

The babbled question was interrupted by Zhou Jin, "Come on, let me go through the formalities. The family members want to see the suspect Gu Yunbo."

Zhou Jin's efficiency is very fast, and Meng Fan has already seen Gu Yunbo in the detention cell in less than ten minutes.

"Are you here?" Gu Yunbo was wearing XX detention center clothes and handcuffed on his hands. Except for these, he was very good in other aspects. He actually smiled when he saw Meng Fan.

She smiled from the bottom of her heart, but Meng Fan's eyebrows jumped, and her heart began to ache disorderly.

He held the cold hand tightly, and slowly rubbed her slender fingers on the surface of her hand. Meng Fan looked at her silently, and there were fine stars falling from her deep eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Yunbo was guilty of being seen by him, and after being arrested, she also made a deep self-examination. In the past, she could do whatever she wanted. At that time, she was the only one, without worrying about other people's thoughts and feelings. But now it's different. She cares about people, she should consider Meng Fan's feelings before doing anything.

"Did I cause you trouble?"

Meng Fan shook his head, "No! Don't blame you."

Gu Yunbo was stunned, and raised his hand to touch his forehead, "Let me touch it, do you have a fever." She did such a earth-shattering thing, he would actually say that he didn't blame her.

She was embarrassed to say that she did not blame herself.

Meng Fan slapped her hand away, and finally there was a smile in her eyes, "Don't make trouble!"

"Oh!" Gu Yunbo sat down obediently, and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. That's great, Little Star really doesn't blame her!

"You can stay in it for a while, don't think about it, you can get out soon."


"And..." Meng Fan's tone of voice was long, and her deep and sharp eyes patrolled her over and over again, "Take care of yourself!"

"Don't worry! I'm fine."

"Yeah! I believe you." Before seeing her, he was really worried about her. The first time he faced this situation, worldly accusations, other people's incomprehension, and even strong people may be knocked down.

Gu Yunbo graciously shook his hand and looked at him silently. Their eyes crossed in the air, with a lingering taste. For a long time, neither of them spoke, just looked at each other like that.

For a long time, Meng Fancai said, "Do you still want to continue to be a soldier? If you want to continue to be a soldier, you can!"

Gu Yunbo knew long ago that even if he was acquitted in the end, the army and the school would be expelled. Especially for troops with strict rules, this is already a very, very serious mistake. She didn't expect that Little Xingxing would actually ask that.

Little Xingxing said yes?

"Are you going to walk through the back door for me?" She asked slightly surprised, her voice low, fearing that people outside would hear that the famous young commander would walk through the back door for her wife.

It seems a bit embarrassing.

Meng Fan smiled, his smile a little carelessly, "It's just a proper use of privileges to talk about going through the back door."

His proposal was indeed very tempting. After all, she wanted to be a glorious soldier, and when she was passionate, she was determined to win glory for the country, and besides being a soldier, she didn't know what else she could do.

She also didn't want to miss the upcoming Southern Xinjiang War.

[Cough cough cough... The new month has begun! It's time for the exciting monthly ticket request again! I want to ask for a monthly pass cheeky (watch me (#^.^#)). There is also good news. There will be an explosion in March! Initially, a hundred chapters will be updated, maybe it will be finished in one day, maybe two days! The February update will be as early as possible. Please vote for the monthly pass for the sake of such hard work! muah. 】

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