Gu Jia

Because Grandpa Gu’s body could not last long, the hospital had already issued a critical illness notification. The Gu family who were usually busy outside also came back, which made the always deserted Gu family react a lot more lively than usual.

The current Gu family has all been under the control of Gu Sinian. The eldest and second brothers come back, but they still have to listen to the younger ones, and feel a little uncomfortable.

The most hateful thing is that they can't enter the ward of Mr. Gu.

"Look at your good son, the old man knew he would take power before he died." Gu Lao Er blamed unhappily.

"You have the ability to give birth to one?" Boss Gu sarcastically impatiently. After finishing speaking, he felt that his attitude was not good. He remedied: "My mood is the same as you, don't say it! I'm upset when I hear it."

Si Nian grew up with the old man, and he has always been educated by the old man himself. He has always been estranged from his son, and he has no father-son relationship at all. When he turned his face, Si Nian would not be soft to him, he knew it in his heart.

"Then what to do?"

"What can you say?" Boss Gu thought for a while. "I heard that the old man met that little bitch's daughter overnight and the lawyer was there?"

"That's right! According to the old man's eccentricity, how much property is given!"

Speaking of which, the two brothers had very unified opinions. Even Fu Shuzhen, who had been sitting on the sidelines without speaking, interrupted and said, "Anyway! I don't even want to get a penny after the old man died. It's not that little bitch's."


"What do you mean? Don't you know what virtue the old man is? He will never leave us a penny of property. For so many years, he has not been able to find Gu Weiwei, thinking that she is dead. We’re a little better. It’s okay now, Gu Weiwei is dead, but she didn’t expect her to leave a wicked seed."

When speaking of the word Nie Zhong, a vicious trace flashed through Fu Shuzhen's eyes. "What the Niezhong bullied our family Yuehong into, I can't bear this tone." If it weren't for the support of the Meng family, Niezhong would have died many times.

"So what can I do?"

Several people were saying this. Gu Yuehong and Gu Sinian walked in one after the other. When Fu Shuzhen saw Gu Sinian at a glance, her eyes couldn't help but wince, and she swallowed the words behind.

"Sinian is back!"

"How is your grandfather? Is it better?"

Gu Sinian said indifferently, "What do you mean? Second aunt!"

"Haha??" Fu Shuzhen was embarrassed.

"By the way, I heard you want to deal with Gu Yunbo?"

"What? I heard what you said as if I wanted to occupy the side of that evil seed?" Boss Gu said unhappily, "Don't forget your identity."

"I know! Of course I know who I am." Gu Sinian's eyes swept across everyone, and he said word by word: "My identity is the Patriarch of the Gu family, and only I speak for the Gu family! Other people, count. Fart."

The living room was silent.

Boss Gu and Older Gu's expressions drew petitions, especially when Boss Gu was reprimanded by his own son in the past, it was even more cruel than slapped him directly in the face. His face was red and purple, as if he was about to faint.

He is also a well-known figure outside, except for the old man who dares to train him as a grandson? It's better now, the old man was trained as a grandson by his son before he died.

Fu Shuzhen wanted to say something, but she was held down by Gu Lao Er and stopped with her eyes.

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