Meng Xingzhi was blown and glared with an angry beard, "You are embarrassed to say this. Go outside and grab someone to ask and see what they say? I've seen someone like you. If it's in the war years, Maybe it’s a traitor. Others have arrested your wife, and you can do whatever you want."

"Yes!" Meng Fan touched his chin and said seriously: "Fortunately, I was born in a peaceful age."

Meng Xingzhi wanted to take out the pistol from his drawer and kill the son. "Dare to say one more word, try to pack things up with me, and give you nine days to go to the Southern Military Region on time at the end of the month."

"Yes!" Meng Fan got up and paid a military salute to Meng Xingzhi, "Let's go! It's time for dinner, I will eat it at your military headquarters today."

"I thought you were not in the mood to eat!" Meng Xingzhi stood up bitterly and took the lead out.

"I'm not in the mood! But I still have a wife to take care of!"

"Okay, take care of your daughter-in-law every day, are you bothering to take care of your daughter-in-law?"

"It's not annoying!"

"If you don't bother me, I'm tired. I didn't see how well you took care of your daughter-in-law. Instead, I took care of it in the detention center.



The more the end of the month, the more tense the atmosphere in the Northern Military District, even ordinary soldiers can feel. Is it possible to see aircraft and tanks in the large-scale deployment of troops every day?

The most well-informed Intelligence Operations Division knew the inside story even earlier. The newly transferred director was very capable and experienced, and he fought several beautiful turnarounds in a row, which made the Intelligence Operations Division proud.

But even so, the morale is still low.

The first is because of Shen Yu. Jiang Shaobo has never seen Shen Yu over there. It is said that he was kept at home and refused any visitors. The second problem lies with Gu Yunbo.

Although transferred, Gu Yunbo was still a member of the Intelligence Operations Division before it was clear where to go. She also had a life-saving grace for Jiang Shaobo in southern Xinjiang, and her personal abilities were obvious to all. Although she is a little bit rebellious, her character has nothing to say. People speak with their fists and many people agree with her.

When the news that Gu Yunbo was expelled from the army came, everyone was stunned.

The most emotional is Tao Zi, Xu Kaixuan and Jiang Shaobo, these three usually have the closest relationship with Gu Yunbo, how can they not believe that Gu Yunbo will be expelled from the army.

But no matter how they asked, they didn't ask why.

"Xu Kaixuan, someone is looking for it." The uncle of the communication room, standing on the edge of the training field, shouted.

Everyone looked at the uncle and saw Meng Fan standing behind him at a glance.

"Young Commander?"

Many people whispered in surprise.

Jiang Shaobo was shocked, "We are going to the Southern Military Region in three days. How can he, the battalion commander of the investigation battalion, have the time to run around?"

Xu Kaixuan saw that it was Meng Fan, and hurriedly ran to a standard military salute without delay, "Hello Battalion Commander."

Meng Fan quickly returned a military salute and directly explained his intentions.

"I want to ask you to help Gu Yunbo prove it."

"Okay!" Xu Kaixuan agreed without asking what proof he was.

"Then come with me!"

"Now?" Xu Kaixuan asked in surprise.


"Wait, I'll ask for a leave. But can you tell me what certificate I am doing? I ask for leave to explain why."

Even though Yunbo's affairs were suppressed by him, his expulsion from the army had already been notified and criticized, even if he didn't talk about it now, people with intentions would speak out. Meng Fan didn't have any taboos, and said the matter directly.

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