May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 359: About to be released

"I heard you went to see Shen Yu?"

"Yeah!" Mentioning that Shen Yu Jiang Shaobo looked like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, his head hung down, "I have been there several times and haven't seen anyone. What happened in the Southern Military Region?" He only knew that Shen Ming was imprisoned. After leaving the prison, Shen Yu was suspended from her job and stayed behind closed doors.

It's hard to imagine such a serious result would happen to Shen Yu.

"Shen's family affairs, it is inconvenient for me to be an outsider. If you really want to know, you can go again." Meng Fan said something.

"I have been there a few times before and have not been allowed in."

"Not necessarily this time." The war is about to start, and Senior Chief Shen will not let Shen Yu miss this opportunity to make merit. He has fallen behind a lot after Shen Ming, and if he misses the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for meritorious service, he will never catch up again.

"it is good!"


In the detention room, Tao Zi was crying!

"Woo...How could this be? How could this be? I'm not reconciled, I don't agree...Woo..."

Gu Yunbo was bewildered by her crying, "Don't cry."

"I just want to cry, obviously you are not guilty, why do you want to shut you down? Why do you want to fire you?" Tao Zi cried more and more fiercely, "Deceptively too much."

"Uh... don't cry, it's me who is obviously imprisoned. You cry so bad you don't know how wronged you are!"

"I am wronged, obviously I am your best friend, why do I know everything last?"

"You are not my best friend."

Tao Zi swept over with a cold eye, forgetting to cry. "Who else? What's your name?"


"What do you do?"

"...I don't need to tell you this, right?"

"Gu Yunbo, I misunderstood you." Tao Ziqi didn't say anything. He lowered her head and ran out. When she reacted, the iron door was closed. There was no Gu Yunbo inside.

Stomped fiercely at the moment.


In the narrow and old passage, the dimly lit people are indistinct, giving a gloomy feeling even in broad daylight. Gu Yunbo frowned and followed behind the prison guards and walked step by step to cell No. 979 where she was being held.

Although it is not a prison, it can only be regarded as a detention center, but it has the highest level of security. The criminals imprisoned here are almost all guilty. On both sides of the passage are cells between cells, and the people inside are either crazy, vicious, or numb.

She has gotten used to it these days! The situation here is far from being as bland as her performance. Little Xing Xing didn't tell her, but she knew that Ken herself had offended people. Someone greeted them on the first day of being arrested and threw herself to the bottom.

"Hey! That little lady!" The voice of hippie smiling faces came from the cells on both sides.

Gu Yunbo swept over with a cold eye, his sharp eyes slashing at the person like a cold knife. The originally fierce man couldn't help but wince, and when he realized his cowardly reaction and wanted to regain his prestige, Gu Yunbo disappeared before his eyes.

"Go in!" The prison guard yelled habitually, and when he said it, he thought that this one could not be offended before him, and he stood at the door with a look of embarrassment.

Gu Yunbo's eyes inadvertently swept around, and obediently entered the room where she was kept alone.

"Crack!" The steel door was closed, half of the door was opaque, and only the top third was faintly lit, and the entire narrow cell was dimmed a lot.

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