May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 361: Give your loyalty

The middle-aged man made a gesture of shutting his mouth, "My fault, I apologize." The tone was very sincere, and the apology came from the heart. "The people who say you are unbearable are short-sighted, narrow-minded and ignorant. Only I will discover your talent and talent. Cooperate with me! I can give you what you want."

"Then what do you want?"

"Your loyalty, your..."

"I'm sorry, I'm not loyal." Gu Yunbo refused to wait for him to finish speaking, "Don't bother me, no matter how old you are, I will not cooperate with you, let alone pay loyalty to you. "

"Okay! I believe you will compromise with me one day."


"Haha..." The middle-aged man smiled and turned around and said, "Xin Yue, let's go! It seems that it is not easy to find you a partner."

Xin Yue, "..."

"By the way, your grandpa has passed away."

Gu Yunbo snorted coldly in the cell, "You don't need to say it." She had seen Gu Yuanlou with her own eyes, and naturally knew the specific situation. It was very difficult to survive now.

It is not strange to say that Gu Yuanlou is dead, but to say that he is not dead.

The middle-aged man who had already walked one meter away heard the answer, was taken aback for a second and then shook his head and laughed. He hasn't taken advantage of this girl once since he fought against this girl!


PLA General Hospital

Ping Simin stumbled out of the hospital bed, walked out barefoot, halfway through, and was stopped by the nurse.

"Patient, why are you running around?"

"Nurse, has my brother been here?"

The nurse is specially in charge of this ward, and was deeply impressed by Ping Qing, and shook his head when he heard that, "No! It's also very strange, your family has not been here for several days."

"No? No one came?" Ping Simin screamed incredulously, "I don't believe it, how can I not come to see me?" She committed suicide, how could she not come to see her?

"It's true, indeed none of them came."

"How is it possible?" Ping Simin staggered against the wall. The nurse immediately went to help her when she saw it, but she pushed her away, "Go! Get out of me."

"Is this man neurotic?" The nurse whispered. Although the voice was small but close, Ping Simin could still hear it.

"Who are you talking about neurosis? Who are you talking about?" Ping Simin flushed the nurse's face, and finally attracted the chief doctor, only to persuade the person.

"You need to find your family, I will help you contact."

"Then you hurry up and contact."

"Yeah!" The doctor gave her a pitying look before leaving with the nurse.

Ping Simin was standing in the corridor, only to realize that the doctors and nurses passing by were looking at herself with strange eyes, and she felt hairy in her heart.

"What are you looking at?" She had just asked, when people passing by quickly walked away, making her feel turbulent, with a bad premonition. According to reason, it should not be! She almost died and was in the hospital. My mother loved her very much since she was a child, and she was obedient to her, even if it was an excessive request, as long as she made trouble, she could finally agree.

Why is it so cruel this time?

According to her estimate, she should have compromised in such a big mess! The more Ping Simin thought about it, the more trouble he felt. He supported the wall and sat on the bed in the ward, his expression gloomy.


Ping Simin waited in the ward for a long time. He thought it was the whole family who was waiting, but only one came until dark.

And it was someone she could never imagine.

"Thinking about New Year?" She shouted in surprise: "Why are you here?" Oh my God! Isn't she a dream? Gu Sinian has never looked for her since he got engaged!

Could it be... he finally changed his mind?

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