May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 367: Who will it be

Six months later

There were already a total of one hundred and eighty-two scratches on the wall of the cell. These were carved by Gu Yunbo since Meng Fan went south, and she has carved one every day. Not to keep track of time, she is not so boring.

Carve this, just want to write down the hatred, and use it for future revenge.

She Gu Yunbo has always held grudges.

It has been half a year since he was detained, and even Gu Yuehong was transferred away three months ago. The investigation of her case was clear, and the evidence collection was over. She was still not released, nor did she go to court. If she still doesn't understand that someone is making a ghost, then she is really too stupid.

Someone didn't want to let her out.

Gu Yunbo went through everyone in his mind, and the most likely one was Gu's family. Whether it was Gu Weiwei or she was a thorn in the eyes of the Gu family, and as long as she did not go out for a day, she would not be able to get the will made to her by Gu Yuanlou.

Gu's family can take advantage of this time to empty out the property.

Yunbo knocked his head, wrong! There must be something wrong. The Gu family is rich and can be regarded as a small power in politics, but it can't compete with the Meng family.

There must be more than Gu's family.

Heike? Ping Simin or Ping Qing? Or Ping Guofei? Compared with the hatred of killing their mothers and the hatred of killing their wives, they have reasons to kill themselves.

There are reasons, but no ability.

Besides these people, who else?

No matter who it is, it is really vicious. Just lock her up here if you don't do anything, you can limit everything about her and make her feel bad.

Even the sentence is better than it is now, because once she is sentenced, her path will be blocked. Once blocked, she will explode and escape, but will disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

Yunbo's heart became more and more impatient, she really couldn't bear it. The winter in the north has entered the winter. According to the time of the previous life, southern Xinjiang should have fought. Maybe it happened earlier.

It's just that the news is suppressed.

The end of 1979, the beginning of 1980.

She can't wait!

She was going to live up to Little Xingxing's instructions before leaving.

Yun Bo suddenly stood up from the ground, and his body began to slam the iron gate forcefully, "Come on, come on! I want to see Su Hai." The iron gate was slammed by her, and the sound was terrifying. Teeth trembled.

She doesn't feel pain, others do it for her.

"I want to see Su Hai, I want to see Su Hai, let him see me immediately."

A prison guard came over cursingly, and said impatiently: "You can see whoever you say? What do you think of this place? Is your own home?"

Yunbo slammed against the gap in the door, and his slender wrist stretched out from the gap, grabbing the prison guard's neck. There are handcuffs attached to her thin and slender wrists. With such a tricky angle, it is impossible for ordinary people to do it. I really don't know how she did it.

" let go." The tall prison guard was pinched by her neck as if pinching a chicken. His eyes were pale, and his face turned blue. He stretched out his hand to pull her hand off, but he was immediately affected by the force in his neck. Tighten up and give up.

Now he really believes that this woman is a murderer.

"Let Su Hai come to see me." She said every word.

"Yes, yes... I'll pass it on right away, right away."

"Huh!" The strength in his hand was loosened, and the prison guard fell away and sat on the ground, panting for a long time before he came back. He stood up and gave Gu Yunbo a fierce look, but instead of saying anything, he walked out quickly.

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