"Wrong, I really have high hopes for him."

A trace of stunnedness flashed in Chu Ji's eyes, "No? Don't be kidding, leader."

"When did I make a joke?" Meng Fan asked back.

Chu Ji touched his head, thinking about it carefully, as if it had never happened before! Even if it's a chat, the head of the group's casual sentence is meaningful.

He never jokes.

"After all, Gao Jinglin used to train with Yunbo in chaos for almost half a year, and he is very familiar with it." He is not confident in Gao Jinglin, but confident in Yunbo.

Now even Chu Ji admires Gao Jinglin's luck, he is obviously a dude! Ever since I followed Bo Sister, I started to coax.

"Leader, the call is made, and finally the call is made." The correspondent shouted excitedly. The chaotic zone is deep in the original deep forest. Since entering, the signal has been very weak, and it is often not connected. The password is barely usable, and telegrams and communication phones often fail to connect.

At present, Meng Fan is surrounded by a squad of troops, most of which are technical soldiers. This is already a very risky decision. These technical soldiers will not only not be able to help him in dangerous situations, but will also become a burden.

But in order to get more detailed information, I had to take risks.

"Whose phone number?"

"Northern Military Region."

Meng Fan's cold expression suddenly showed a slight smile, and quickly walked over to pick up the phone to answer.

"Cheap nephew?" Su Hai couldn't believe that he could be directly contacted by phone, "It's really you!"

"It's me, how about Yunbo?"

Su Hai did not answer the matter about Gu Yunbo. Instead, he froze for a moment and then said furiously: "Are you crazy? Do you know what task you are performing? In this case, you dare to bring technical soldiers by your side."

How clever Su Hai was, as soon as he heard Meng Fan's voice, he knew what was going on inside.

"Don't care, I know it very well in my heart." Meng Fan replied lightly, "You tell me about Yunbo, have you come out?"

"Not yet!" Su Hai's tone fell into a depression.

Meng Fan's pupils shrank sharply when he heard that his face was calm, and he felt chilly. "Damn!" He cursed, showing his anger at this moment.

The two fell into a weird silence, and even the correspondent not far away felt the air seemed a little suffocated, and even their breathing became cautious.

Meng Fan and Su Hai were like Ming Jing in their hearts. Needless to say, they knew the reason why Yunbo's case had not been released or the court was held. For a long time, Meng Fancai sighed softly, and asked in a slightly puzzled tone: "Uncle, do you think I am not mean enough, or am I not high enough?"

As long as he is more despicable and unscrupulously suppresses the Ping family, the Gu family, and even the Shen family, no one will dare to think carefully about Yun Fluctuation. Not to mention it is closed for half a year, it is impossible for half a day.

As long as the power in his hands is higher, who can stop him from the military and political circles?

"You are too soft to the Ping family. When Shen Yu and Shen Ming had an accident, you didn't take the opportunity to suppress you. It was the old man who made the decision. What can he do if he misses the old." Su Hai is a typical black belly, despicable. Shameless to the extreme.

Meng Fan pursed his lips, his heart felt unstoppable. He had vowed to Yunbo before leaving, and he would be out soon. The results of it? He had been away for half a year, and the group of people actually dared to bully Yunbo while he was away.

He tried to suppress the rising anger in his heart, and said in a calm tone: "Uncle, I don't think you are suitable for military service. It is better to be in politics!"

Su Hai's eyes lit up, "I think so too."

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