"If you want to go south, I won't stop you. You have only one mission, to eradicate the owlet organization at all costs. If you can eradicate the owlet organization, then you are a great hero of our national security, and one person can serve thousands of troops."

Gu Yunbo curled his lips, his pale and bloodless face looked a little weak. "Thousands of troops and horses are too exaggerated. I can only say that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas."

Why does it sound like you are going to kill? Tu Zheng couldn't help whispering in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Treat the enemy like a storm and treat yourself like a gentle wind and drizzle, don't you know? Don't be too cruel."

He is not afraid of killing the enemy, the more the better, it will be more fun to see who is like Han Sanqing who provokes her.

Gu Yunbo just snorted noncommittal. He was not sure whether he agreed to Tu Zheng or not.


Temporary General Command of the Southern Military Region Border.

Army trucks full of people drove in through the gate, and the soldiers entering and exiting the gate couldn't help but stop and watch, with envy and fiery eyes.

"The investigative team is back."

"I don't know what mission has been completed this time!"

"I heard that the No. 2 leader of the Xiao organization was wiped out. It is said that all the hundreds of people in his hand were dead, and the No. 2 leader was seriously injured and fled back."

The soldiers of the Southern Military Region have been discussing for longer and longer. The field corps transferred from the Northern Military Region has become close to the soldiers of the Southern Military Region after half a year of integration. As the situation became tense and friction increased, these transferred soldiers once again became the focus of everyone's attention. Among them, the most powerful were the young commanders of the Northern Military Region, the King of Living Hades, and the gangsters of their Southern Military Region.

Now the young commander has been promoted to the commander of the lieutenant colonel, and the living Hades and the gangsters have also become battalion commanders. Such a terrible promotion speed is a remarkable achievement wherever it is placed.

Everyone just talked to three people, and they couldn't finish talking for three days and three nights. Among them, the most curious thing is which of the three is the most powerful, if it weren't for the current situation, the whole army would have to compete.

"Is the young commander back?"

"Are you there?"

Qin Yue listened to the discussion in his ear, and squeezed out a stinky cold snort from the crowd: "You know the young commander? I can't see it in front of your eyes?"

"Ah...Xiaoliu...it's Battalion Commander Qin." An exclamation suddenly dissipated.

After thirteen military trucks passed by, Qin Yue bit the grass with a careless expression on his mouth, "Tsk tusk... Now the limelight has been robbed."

"Who can steal the limelight from your little gangster?" I don't know when, Meng Fan and Xu Qigang appeared side by side behind Qin Yue, startling him.

"You two are thieves? There is no sound when you walk? No, why are you not in the car when you come? You came back early?"

Meng Fan shook his head.

Xu Qigang threw him a disdainful look.

Qin Yue's eyes rolled over the two of them, both wearing army camouflage uniforms without even a single epaulette. When I got close, I only felt the **** smell of Living Hades rushing to his nose, and Meng Fan was refreshing and refreshing. He knew that he was taking people to fight in person, but he thought he was going for an outing.

Tsk tusk tusk... the more you look, the more jealous it is. When he didn't know Meng Fan before, he thought he was the best looking man in the world. After getting to know Meng Fan, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't be embarrassed to call himself No.

Ok! He reluctantly became a second place, and the result was even more annoying in the back. Meng Fan also has a younger brother of the Demon King, who actually looks better than him.

rub! How can he make him a rascal?

"Wow..." The abrupt barking of the dog caught Qin Yue's attention. He looked down and found that Qiongqi was sitting on the ground with an upright posture, looking at him with a very disdainful look.

People who don't know thought it was a pair with the living Hades!

Xu Qigang patted Qin Yue's shoulder heavily, "What do you think? Didn't you hear about our head asking you about Shen Yu?"

Speaking of serious matters, Qin Yue's face changed, "Go, take you to my place and talk in detail."

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