May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 392: ten minutes

"I agree with what the little rascal said." Xu Qigang said. He who has always been taciturn seldom speaks, and others have always said a lot. After I met Qin Yue, only Qin Yue said. Suddenly exiting at this time, Qin Yue was shocked.

"Fuck! I thought you couldn't speak, you would only look at people with disdainful eyes!" Qin Yue sarcastically patted his thigh.

"Not only can I talk, but I can beat people. Would you like to try?" Xu Qigang raised his fist.

"Try to try who is afraid of whom?"

The two said they were about to go out for a showdown. Meng Fan wanted to see the little gangster be beaten, but is it time for a fight? He squeezed his eyebrows and interrupted and said, "Okay! Qin Yue, you are not Qigang's opponent. If you beat him, you are looking for death."

"I don't believe it." He was not convinced for a long time.

"There is someone in the team leader who wants to die. Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't worry, it won't take long. Give me ten minutes to make sure it will be done."

"Ten minutes to solve you? I don't know how high the earth is, let me teach you a lesson today." Qin Yue began to undress, and the white vest inside the camouflage uniform was taken off, his strong muscles were full of energy. .

"Sao Bao." Xu Qigang curled his lips, taking a look much lazier. Sure enough, the name of the little hooligan was correct. Everyone wore a military green vest, so he made a white one.


Xu Qigang always said that he could do it. Meng Fan thought that he could accept it for ten minutes, so he gestured for permission.

The two got permission and went straight out.

"Is this the benefit of bachelor? Carefree." Meng Fan sat quietly on the chair inside, leaning back on the chair with her shoulders relaxed, her eyes closed slightly and her mind was full of clouds.

It's already the ninth day, and I don't know how she can come. He just came back from the front line, logically, he should contact the old man or the cheap uncle as soon as possible.

But he didn't. He endured it and came to Qin Yue for the first time.

Because he knew that Yun was afraid of worrying about his accident, and he could feel the fear from her bones. Meng Fan couldn't help but curled her lips, showing a smile.

Then the brave Yunbo would be afraid, afraid of losing him. I don't know what's wrong, Meng Fan felt as if a big hole had been broken in his heart, and felt that something invisible was filling the big hole.

I haven't seen her for half a year, and haven't been able to hold her in his arms and kiss her unscrupulously. Lovesickness is deep into the bone, unforgettable. He licked his lower lip, and the man who was originally handsome and handsome like a star and moon suddenly had a trace of evil and enchanting, like a fairy who harmed the country.

"Boom...pop..." There was the sound of punching, kicking and hitting things outside. Meng Fan opened his eyes and raised his wrist to look at his watch.

Very good, ten minutes is here.

"Head." Xu Qigang's low voice came from behind, "Complete the task." After speaking, he threw Qin Yue's image on the ground. The person who was still alive before going out was sitting on the ground in an especially embarrassed manner.

"His..." Qin Yue covered his face and shouted, "I wipe, are you a human? If you told you not to slap your face, you actually slapped your face specifically, are you jealous that I look better than you?"

"Get out!" Seeing his shameless look, Xu Qigang wanted to kick again. "We don't have much time to hurry, don't waste time." After speaking, he went to close the door very intimately.

At this time, a lot of people have gathered outside, which is really a big sensation when the two people fought. This is the Reconnaissance Corps. The soldiers from the Southern Military Region and the Northern Military Region are fused together, and they like to compare each other. Just now, Xu Qigang, Qin and Yue represented the soldiers of the two major military regions in the north and south, and their battles naturally attracted people's attention.

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