The corners of Meng Fan's mouth couldn't help but smile.

Shen Yu glanced at him unexpectedly, and then quickly withdrew his gaze. Although he moved fast, he still did not escape Meng Fan's eyes.

Su Jiang finished the soup at last, making sure that every plate on the table was empty before letting his guards clean up the things.

"I came to you both today because I received a secret message." Su Jiang wiped his hands and said sternly: "According to the news, there are countless warships parked in the seaport of South Xinjiang. This is no longer a mercenary. There is a friction of scale."

"I want to hear the opinions of the two of you. The enemy is already preparing to go to war. We can't keep being so passive. Should we take the initiative to attack our heads, or wait for the enemy to attack?"

I have to say that this question is too sharp. If you wait passively for the enemy to start first, although it is moral, it will definitely suffer. If the attack is advanced, it will certainly be unreasonable, and the international community will inevitably bear the reputation of initiating war.

Neither is what the country wants to see.

Shen Yu saw that Meng Fan didn’t say anything. As a combat staff officer, he couldn’t keep silent, so he had to take the initiative to say: “Was the source of the information available? As far as I know, the people of our army cannot go deep into the hinterland of southern Xinjiang, let alone the seaport. Even though I have not been there, just thinking about it can tell where the guards will be strict."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Meng Fan, a trace of imperceptible irony flashed under his eyes, and continued: "Of course, I am not questioning the ability of the scouts. For such a dangerous task, who is going to perform such a dangerous task, it will definitely suffer heavy losses and countless sacrifices. ."

Is Meng Fan willing to send his people to death?

Su Jiang's face was stern and serious, "The news was indeed not brought by the investigators."

"Information Division?" Shen Yu raised his eyebrows, "Chief, it turns out that the Intelligence Division of the Southern Military Region is so powerful, which makes me ashamed."

"Uh..." A trace of embarrassment flashed across Su Jiang's face, his expression was unnatural, and he said cheeky: "The news is not from our people. Compared with the real master of intelligence in Guoan, people are professional. "

Although there are special intelligence agencies in the army, the most professional is Guoan. Every time there is a major incident, Guoan will arrange special personnel to dock with the army and cooperate with each other.

Meng Fan's hand on the table tapped lightly, with a clear smile on her lips. Sure enough, the strange man belonged to Guoan, and since the people from Guoan came, then Yunbo must have come too.

The smile on his lips deepened. As long as he thought that Yunbo was next to him, he would feel very happy even if he couldn't see her.

Su Jiang glanced at Meng Fan thoughtfully, and then asked: "The code names of the people that Guoan arranged to cooperate with us this time are Xin Yue and Thunder God. I have heard of Xin Yue's code names before. Ace."

"Where is Thor?" Shen Yu asked.

"Thunder God is not clear." Su Jiang thought for a moment and said: "You don't understand. In Guoan, the security is extremely high, and it is never really a place of name and identity. The first thing you look at is the code name, and Thor is afraid. simple."

"Chief, my personal opinion is still observing and observing. It was Southern Xinjiang that had been provoking friction before, but it has been half a year now. Although the friction has continued, after all, it is mercenaries who have come to the fore and the government has never appeared. Maybe they It is deliberately angering us, wanting us to bear the reputation of proactively provoking war."

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