"It's a cunning! And she doesn't seem to be in the military anymore." Xiao Xiao also just got the information, and the people he arranged to go out have been investigating Gu Yunbo, but unfortunately there has been no result.

He is still very confident about the intelligence capabilities of the people under his hands. Since it cannot be found, it only means that the opponent is no longer in the army.

Craig gritted his teeth, his eyes were cold and vicious, he looked seven points similar to Xiao Xiao.

"Daddy, I must hold this hatred! I haven't suffered such a big loss from Craig, if I can't kill her, how can I continue to mess around in the future."

"What you said makes sense. From now on, the entire owl organization will be yours. As the leader of the future, if you have grudges, you must revenge."

Hearing him say this, Craig showed a surprised expression, "Daddy what are you talking about! I have this ability."

"Haha..." Xiao Xiao let out an unexplained laugh, and said non-committal: "Okay! Now that you are here, I have one thing to do with you."

"Yes! Daddy, you say."

"My people were sniped in the two rivers and two rivers a few days ago. I suspect that someone has penetrated in."

Craig's face changed drastically when he heard the words, "Then going to the sea?"

"I suspect that you are also going to the sea, so you are responsible for picking out people for me."

"Yes! Don't worry, Daddy, I won't let you down." Craig moved his wrist and showed a grin. She had a big somersault last time, and was caught by an inconspicuous yellow-haired girl. Then she encountered the young commander and almost killed her.

After half a year of recuperation, it was hard to come back. This time I came back for revenge.

"Okay, you go to Chief Eagle." Xiao Xiao finished the order, raised his hand to let his subordinates prepare luggage for him, and took his gun from the drawer.

Craig saw it and asked subconsciously: "Daddy, are you going out?"

Owl, who was getting the things, suddenly raised her head, staring at Craig for a long while with cold eyes, and she couldn't help but step back.

"Daddy, you... what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?"

"No!" Xiao shook his head, "You are my daughter, you have the right to ask me where I go."

For some reason, Craig became even more frightened when he heard his answer. Obviously she is Daddy's biological daughter, or the only daughter. Why is she scared? Although Daddy is very strict sometimes, it is relatively the best for her.

"I'm going back to the U.S., and I need to discuss something there." In the early stage, their mercenaries had been charging and fighting, but this time I went back to make the cunning politicians pay the price and spit out something.

"Then daddy, pay attention to safety."

"Yeah!" Xiao Xiao had nothing, his subordinates were quickly ready, and took a group of people away.

Craig stood at the door and watched Owl take the people on the speedboat to leave, before going to Master Eagle's room.

"Uncle Eagle."

"Crege? Why are you here?" The Chief Eagle was still lying on the bed with a pillow behind his back, with a mess of information in front of him, and the paper was reading. Seeing her come in, he quickly packed up and looked up.

"Can't I come?"

"Haha..." Chief Eagle sneered, "You shouldn't come."

"Why?" If Craig's rhetoric was a joke, he was really angry now. Mr. Eagle is a good brother of Daddy, so she has always treated Mr. Eagle as her own uncle, but Mr. Eagle's attitude towards her is not a niece.

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