May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 406: decision making

The task of Nanjiang is currently the highest level in the entire Guoan. It is he who fights an old face not to **** it from other courtyards. As long as you can participate, it means you can make merit, not to mention that Lei Shen and Xin Yue have made great contributions. Ye Xing is the only person in Guoan who knows Gu Yunbo. He still doesn't know that Thor is Gu Yunbo. In order to prevent him from being dissatisfied, he must first be vaccinated.

Ye Xing dared to move in his heart, repeatedly saying that he would work hard.

"Your code name, Squirrel."

"Huh?" Ye Xing was dumbfounded, and did not react for a long time. Squirrel? Why can others be called Thunder God, Xin Yue and other code names, he wants to be called Squirrel? Could it be that the deputy minister knows that he likes to gamble, so he will lose if he wants to give him one?


"Yes! Deputy Minister, promise to complete the task." Ye Xing left with a gray face, thinking about the code name squirrel, he couldn't bet anymore.

Because I will lose!


Ten o'clock in the morning, West Flower Hall

This is the highest rights center of the Republic. Today is the third meeting on the issue of southern Xinjiang. The first two discussions did not reach a result after half a day.

Although Guoan is directly led by the Xihua Hall, Tu Zheng's position is not qualified to participate in such a meeting, but today is a special one. Because the evidence was provided by the 96th Court.

With this, he should not specifically approve participation in the meeting.

When he came in, Tu Zheng walked along the red carpet on the ground, and he was excited even if he had a good mood. Perhaps because of the situation in southern Xinjiang, there were more military participants in this meeting. Many people were dressed in military uniforms, and the medals on their shoulders and chests flashed blindly.

When Tu Zheng looked up, he actually saw Su Jiang striding over him.

This... is not qualified to participate in meetings of this level, right? He thought about it for a while before he realized it.

The commander-in-chief of the Southern Xinjiang War, the entire military, and even both military and political circles, must look at his glory. After the war is over, it will not be a problem to enter the headquarters according to his current qualifications in the future.

The meeting started on time at 10:30 and everyone sat down according to their name cards.

The first old man had a gentle and kind expression, "Everyone should have known before this meeting, we received a message in Xihua Hall recently." The old man spoke and raised his hand, Xihua Hall requested the secretary general to take someone to prepare for washing in advance. The photos that came out were posted separately.

When it was sent to Su Jiang, even if he had received the news before he came, he was still slightly stunned. At that time, it was Xin Yue who sent the news to him. Xin Yue said that their team leader Raytheon had arranged for someone to send the evidence back.

The piles of photos are all scenes of the pier at the estuary. The rows of battleships are full of tanks, and the number of artillery is astonishing.

The sound of gasps in the meeting room came and went.

Those with a fierce temper have already rushed into the crown, "These grandsons are determined to want to go to war. Don't think we will be afraid of them."

The old man pressed his hand, and the conference room fell silent again. "These news came from Guoan. I want to hear your opinions about the war."

Hearing the old man mentioning Guoan, Tu Zheng couldn't help but straighten his waist, looking proud.

"Of course it's a fight!"

"Other people's cannons are already at our gate, we must fight."

"Can't bear it anymore."

All the people in the military wanted to fight, and only the financial people rolled their eyes and kept disapproving.

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