What the doctor said is not unreasonable. Craig was very well-behaved when he was a child, and he was very much liked by these elders. Later, with the increase of age, the means of acting became more and more arrogant. It is not bad to respect these elders and not suppress them. If it is not for the leader's face, then there is room for her to be arrogant.

"Huh!" Manager Eagle hit the bed with a punch.

"Manager Eagle, or kill her while the leader is away?"

"Not for the time being." Chief Eagle shook his head, "Unless she is looking for death by herself, or the leader's murderous intentions, otherwise none of us can move her, otherwise the leader will not be merciless."

The doctor was also afraid of the leader, and shuddered subconsciously after hearing his words.


Not far from the temporary base camp is a small wharf by the river, and many ordinary people gather on both sides of this whole line. Craig followed the clues he had found before and traced it all the way to the small pier, when there happened to be a boat. The people under her hand could not help but control the entire boat. The people on the boat and the boatman were all pressed to the ground and knelt in front of her.

"Miss, that's it."

The environment on the boat was simple and fishy everywhere, but Craig didn’t seem to be able to see it or smell it. He walked up to the boss of the boat without changing his face, raised his slender legs, and pointed leather boots on his feet. On each other's neck. "Did people get on your boat?"

"No! No...I explained that there really is none."

"You said that if you don't have it, then there is no?" Craig sneered. "How come I have news that a man and a woman are in your boat?"

"That is the framing by the opponent, it is really the framing by the opponent." The boss of the boat is a middle-aged man in his forties. His skin is tanned because of the long-term running of the boat. He is not old but has deep wrinkles all over his face. , Looks much older than the actual age.

The boss of the boat was panicked when the toe of Craig's shoe was pressed against his neck. He only knew that the other party was looking for a man and a woman, but where to look now. It's not so much looking for someone as it is taking the opportunity to vent their anger.

"Miss, it's really not me, my boat takes ordinary people."

Craig glanced in disgust, and the toe of the shoe suddenly used force, only to hear a creepy click, the boss of the boat stared at his neck, fell to the ground and died.

"Ah..." The people on the boat saw the boat boss die, all screamed in horror, and they all urinated. The ship, which was already smelly, was even more embarrassed.

Craggy's face changed suddenly and he gestured to his men. "Shoot me all! I'm annoying to see it."

"Yes!" The gang following her are all desperadoes, and the time is not short. Hearing her order, without saying anything, the gun was shot in a circle without leaving alive.

There are many boats on the small pier, and there are more vendors around. Everyone's expressions were numb when he heard the gunshots. The child hid behind his parents in horror, watching Craig lead the people away in fear.

"Miss, today is to give these wastes a shock, see if they dare to carry anything in the future."

"Not necessarily." Although Craig killed someone, he knew in his heart that what the boss of the ship just said might be true. She has been investigating for several days, but did not find out how the man and woman broke through their defense.

It's so supernatural, it's no wonder that Daddy has to get people out.

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