Gu Yunbo said without changing his face, "The smell of a dead person."

Xin Yue suddenly realized, "Yes, it is indeed the smell of a dead person." No wonder he felt that the smell was not right, and would not remember it for a while. For no reason, no one would have thought that there was a smell in a house.

"Suck..." Before Xin Yue said anything, the mountain product shop in front suddenly made a shocking explosion, and the air wave almost lifted the two of them.

"You did it? You found out long ago?"

"Yeah! The old man had a problem with his legs, he was lame too deliberately, so I dropped a time bomb by the way when I came out of the Shanhuo shop." When Gu Yunbo spoke, he took out his gun and found a place to hide.

And Xin Yue's movements were not slow, she took a look at her heart about Tu Zheng's arrangements, and finally did not have that much nagging. Along the way, Xin Yue's level was higher than Gao Jinglin's original level.

Keep up with her rhythm.

"I can be sure that the two of us are not being targeted." Xin Yue is best at counter-investigation. If the two of us are targeted, it is impossible to be completely unaware.

Gu Yunbo analyzed: "It's not our problem, then it should be the transfer war. This transfer war should have been targeted before we came. The reason we found someone to pretend was to catch a big fish, and we both It just happened that the bed ran into it." After speaking, she showed a moment of contemplation, "The old man just learned our identity and appearance. He must not be allowed to leave alive and must be killed."

"I gonna go see."

Xin Yue said that she was going out, but was held back by Gu Yunbo.

"Go to the side."


At the same time as the explosion sounded, a group of people rushed out across from the Shanhuo shop. It was Craig who took the lead. The gun in his hand exuded a cold metallic luster in the sun.

She looked at the small shop that had been blown up, her face was stubborn and distorted, and she was furious.

"Damn! Bitch." He was about to rush into the fire, but was pulled by his men.

"Dangerous inside Missy."

"If the young commander dies inside, I won't let any of them go." Craig snarled loudly, and would have rushed in if he hadn't been taken by Jacques. "Damn it! Fight the fire, hurry up and put it out, I heard nothing."


"Miss, wait a minute!" Jacques pulled Craig to the side, waiting for the people under his hands to put the fire in. He has been following Craig for a long time, and the previous massacre in the Middle East was the result of the two people's joint efforts.

"Miss, don't worry, although we don't know who the person who entered just now, but there will never be the man you are looking for."

"Really?" Craig grasped the last glimmer of hope and stared at Jacques closely.

"Really, it must be true." Jacques couldn't help but clenched his hand while supporting Craigie, his eyebrows frowned. There were many worries in my heart. Since the eldest came back from her wounds, she seemed to have changed herself. She had never been so impulsive before.

"Miss, please calm down, otherwise..." He didn't say the rest, but the meaning was already obvious.

Otherwise, her eldest lady's position would be unstable.

Thinking of Daddy, Craig quickly calmed down, and she pressed her lips tightly to watch the fire in front of her face quickly. For Daddy, she has a deep-seated fear, fear, admiration...

"Miss the fire was put out, there was only one corpse inside, our people. Another man and a woman ran away and we were tricked."

PS: Sheng Ning's previous life is over! Friends who haven't read it can add my Weibo to watch!

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