May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 430: Second deficiency

There was a moment of silence in the woods. Obviously, many people couldn't believe how the chief would agree to hand over the commanding authority to the people of Guoan. They are not a system at all. Besides, the people of Guoan know what a shit?

Meng Fan could see that many people couldn't figure it out. They were not convinced and didn't wait for them to ask questions. He directly ordered: "You only need to remember that this is a military order. Who dares to disobey the military order will deal with it."

Soldiers take obedience to military orders as their bounden duty. Since the captain asks them to obey, even if they have doubts about the people of Guoan, they will never say a word.

"Understood?" Meng Fan raised his volume, "Do you want me to repeat it again?"


He didn't ask everyone how loud they were, and when he heard the answer, he walked forward with Gao Jinglin and passed the rest of the matter to Chu Ji.



"Call me the captain, when you go out on missions, remember to change your name. You call my captain like this to tell the enemy about my identity?" Meng Fan's appearance is not too serious, but Gao Jinglin is frightened.

"Captain, I know."

"it is good!"

"Captain, I have a question to ask you."

"You said."

Gao Jinglin couldn't see Meng Fan's emotions. He couldn't judge whether he was upset or not and just follow his own ideas. For a while, he didn't know whether to hit the gun.

Anyway, you don't have to think about it and know that the regiment leader is definitely upset. The dignified field corps, the most elite ace reconnaissance regiment leader personally leads the team. As a result, the commander-in-chief is not yet in his hands, and he has to listen to the people of Guoan. He will certainly not be happy if he does it.

"Say if you have anything."

"Oh oh oh..." Gao Jinglin reacted, scratching his head and said: "Captain, you said you want me to follow you with Sister Bo, and you said Sister Bo will definitely appear in no more than ten days. I have waited for so long. Sister hasn't appeared yet. Will... Will something happen to Sister Bo?"

He couldn't help but want to ask the leader, but he couldn't find the opportunity. The leader was very busy and didn't get the chance until now.

Meng Fan looked at him with a soft look in Aquinas, "It's rare that you still remember Yunbo, and it won't be wasteful for her to train you."

"Hehehe... of course, I have such a revolutionary friendship with Sister Bo." Gao Jinglin was embarrassed when Meng Fan was so boastful.

"Good job, keep working hard."

"I will." Gao Jinglin said boldly: "Captain, you say that like my elders! My old man likes to talk to me in this tone every time."

"..." Meng Fan's face became gloomy.

"Captain, I made a mistake, hehehe... I made a mistake."

Meng Fan was too lazy to give him this second-hand negligence, and turned to the subject and said: "I called you over because Yunbo has already arrived."

"Where is it?"

Meng Fan raised his hand and pointed towards the Wusu River, "Just wait wherever you go, go over!"

Gao Jinglin is just a bit lacking, but he is not stupid. He is also very well informed in the crowd all the way. Besides, as the son of the military political commissar, the Gao family also has a deep background in the military, and Gao Yuejin's comrades are also spread all over the country. Therefore, he even knows more about the details of this mission and the reasons for Guoan's cooperation than most people know.

As soon as Meng Fan finished speaking, he realized something.

"Captain, Guoan... Thor...?"

"Yes!" Meng Fan stopped him from coming down before he finished.

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