"Okay, I see." Meng Xingzhi hung up directly and said to Gao Yuejin: "How can this Meng Fan become so ignorant?"

"No!" Gao Yuejin shook his head, "I believe Meng Fan, don't worry." He also comforted Meng Xingzhi.

The two old partners looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh at last.

"Now that I am a father, I know that my parents were worried when I joined the army!"

"Yes! Raising a child knows the kindness of parents."

"By the way, what are you going to tell me just now?"

Mentioning that Gao Yuejin's expression changed, he lowered his voice and said, "Shen Ming has run away just after receiving the news."

"Yes! It's worthy of being born in the first sinker in the north, and you can escape in such a place."

"No one thought that Shen Ming could escape, it's unbelievable." Just when everyone had forgotten him, it was really not easy for a dead man to make waves.

"It is not easy to hear that Shen Ming escaped, maybe it was for the Shen family." Gao Yuejin raised his eyebrows toward Meng Xingzhi, the implication was very obvious.

"They guessed it was not me, right?"

"Is it you, don't you have any points in your heart?"

Meng Xingzhi's expression was heavy, "Yes, I must remember Yunbo's affairs in my heart. I won't just leave it alone. But Shen Ming really didn't do it. You know there are so many things in the military. , I don’t have this energy yet."

"It's really not you?" Gao Yuejin believed that Meng Xingzhi did it before he came in, because this trick is so wonderful that most people can't think of it. Without a single soldier, the Shen family can fight inwardly.

A Shen Ming can become a sharp knife, making the Shen family pay the price.

"Although I don't know who did it, but I did a good job." Meng Xingzhi said with relief: "I have said that bad things can't be done, and you can't be too domineering. You always have to pay a price. Shen Ming and Shen Yu Having become a mortal enemy, the Shen family imprisoned Shen Ming mercilessly. Even in order to protect Shen Yu's reputation, he did not even have the public or trial, so it is strange that he does not hate the Shen family.

"I know you would say that when you heard it." Gao Yuejin looked like he could not help but, "The Shen family is now chasing Shen Ming! Maybe he will let you down."

"Not necessarily." Meng Xingzhi touched his chin, and said, "If he can escape, he will definitely not be caught."

The two talked about writing work again, and Gao Yuejin's political commissar meeting was very much less than half an hour and three people came to look for it. After leaving in a hurry, Meng Xingzhi fell into silence.

He didn't do it, but that doesn't mean Meng Fan didn't do it. In any case, he must help his son.


"This is Thor?" Wang Yi's words broke the silence, and every look at Gu Yunbo's eyes was different.

Meng Fan's eyes were deep, as if he could **** all the souls in.

Xu Qigang had no expression on his face, and could not see what he was thinking about.

Qin Xue was stunned, and she had already checked her vigilance.

Shaobo Jiang couldn't recover for a long time.

Only Wang Yi is the simplest, and he asks what he thinks in his heart. He didn't believe that the gods, who had been spread, dared to single-handedly kill to the pier at the mouth of the South Xinjiang Sea. Can the Xihua Hall arrogantly say that he wants to be the boss is actually a very young girl?

Either he is blind, or Guoan's people are too awesome, and they make people believe that they are blind and do not want to agree that the person in front of them is Thor.

Gu Yunbo's expression remained unchanged, and everyone who shot like lightning did not see how she did it. Wang Yi was already subdued by her. "You are the chief and didn't teach you the respect you should have when you see your superiors?"

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