May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 443: No arrangement

Uh... it's the captain! When everyone looked over, Meng Fan was looking at Gu Yunbo blankly with his beautiful face.

There was an imperceptible smile on Xu Qigang's cold face.

"I haven't arranged yet."

Qin Yue said cheaply, "Captain, you only need to be responsible for looking good." He seemed to hear the sound of gritted teeth? "I'll go down and set up first."

"So are we."

"I'll make arrangements."

Xu Qigang and Jiang Shaobo got up and left. Gu Yunbo sullenly shouted to disband, "Everyone is following the plan."


At this time, even Xin Yue and Gao Jinglin were gone, only Meng Fan stared at her in the same place. The coldness Gu Yunbo had done before could no longer be stretched, and his strong temperament immediately disappeared.

"Little Xingxing." She yelled cautiously, "I...I'm here." There was still a little bit of Thor's might.

Meng Fan stared at her so much, not speaking, making Gu Yunbo more nervous. He seems to be really angry, he must be angry!

"little stars?"

"Wang Wang..." Qongqi, who was running around in the woods, didn't know when he came over, and was shouting at Gu Yunbo non-stop, his eyes were exactly the same as his owner just now.

"Wow... barking wow..."

Gu Yunbo was about to die of anger. Didn't you see that she was trying to coax its owner? What is messing around?

"Go away."

"Wow." Don't go.

"Don't bother me." Gu Yunbo stared.

"Ooooooooo." He didn't leave.

Looking at the vivid expression on her face, Meng Fan slowly let go of her heart, "Qingqi." He just shouted, and Qongqi, who was deliberately messing up just now, immediately looked at his master with aggrieved eyes and found the master. He seemed very serious and never dared to make trouble anymore, and ran away with his tail clipped.

The woods were finally quiet now, and Gu Yunbo stood bewildered in the place, bowed his head and dare not look at him.

"Little star..." Before he finished speaking, Meng Fan squeezed her arms vigorously, pinching her waist tightly with his big hands, as if to cut her waist.

Gu Yunbo was a little unable to breathe, his face flushed, but he was reluctant to remind him.

Meng Fan forced her chin and kissed her eagerly with soft and cool lips. The longing that has been suppressed for too long, the longing burst at this moment. Always calm, restrained, even abstinent, Meng Fan, just like a seventeen or eighteen year old boy greedily yearning for him.

The arms became tighter and tighter, wishing to rub her into her body, blood and bones.

"Mmm..." His kiss was caught off guard, and Gu Yunbo swallowed everything he wanted to say. Even taking advantage of her opportunity to speak, the dexterous tongue got in with arrogance and domineering.

Gu Yunbo no longer thought about other things. All worries and careful planning would be thrown away. She was completely immersed in the passion brought by Meng Fan, replied with emotionlessly, and even took the initiative to kiss him.

The two tongues entangled each other, sucking...

It took a long time to reluctantly separate.

"Yunbo, I think you are going crazy." Meng Fan's voice was low and temptation, gently scratching on the top of people's hearts like a spring breeze. "Do you want to verify it?"

"How to verify?" Gu Yunbo regretted after asking, because she clearly felt that there was a hot object against her underneath.

As a married lady, of course you know what it is. She thought of the pleasure that came from the depths of the soul every time the two of them were together, and if her legs were soft, if Meng Fan's eyes were quick to hug her, she would fall.

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