"Oh! Yunbo is asleep, don't wake her up." Meng Fan smiled.

The silly dog ​​immediately followed with a grin, walking around excitedly. The host laughed, and the host laughed so beautifully.

"Go, help me give this to Xu Qigang." Meng Fan took out a magazine from his pocket and threw it to Qiongqi. The silly dog ​​jumped up and bit it in his mouth, and then quickly left.

Rainy night is really a good opportunity for activities, and there are many things to do. Such as chasing and escaping...

"Wow..." The abrupt barking of a dog caused a group of people on the fast road to stop suddenly. A dozen people all wore black raincoats, strangely like ghosts in the dark night.

"Don't shoot, it's Qiongqi." Xu Qigang sneered coldly.

The guns that had been picked up were all put down, and the team automatically divided into two rows to make way out of the middle, and Qiongqi walked past with disdain, and turned the little soldiers on both sides upside down.

Whose silly dog ​​is this? Is it too arrogant?

"Shhh... this belongs to the captain."


The captain is not so arrogant! This stupid dog was so fascinating along the way, as if he was clever.

Qiongqi walked in front of Xu Qigang, Xu Qigang bent over and reached out to take the magazine it was finally biting, and took the hollow magazine apart, seeing the small note inside and the sword eyebrows almost frowned.

It's too dangerous for the leader to sit like this!

"Captain Xu, what did the captain say inside?"

"Nothing!" Xu Qigang squeezed the note into a ball, soaked in rain and discarded it quickly.

After completing the task, Qiongqi disappeared in the rainy night again. The team stopped and started again, judging from the direction they were walking, it was not forward but backward.

Judging from the last gunshots in the battle between Wang Yi and Craig last night, Wang Yi must be the last one to lose, and I hope they still have time to catch up.

"Boom boom..."

The farther you go, the more pronounced the gunfire. It is obvious that someone is fighting on the opposite side, but you don’t know the identities of the two warring parties.

"Stop!" Xu Qigang took the lead and made a gesture. Everyone found a place to hide, squatting in place and letting the rain wash on them. Although they were wearing raincoats, their clothes were already soaked.

The atmosphere was quiet and solemn, and they drove endlessly all night without anyone complaining. Everyone was ready to fight. They haven't even walked a third of the way to the pier at the seaport. They have been so difficult and difficult, and I don't know what will happen in the future!

"It's from Wang Yi." Xu Qigang judged calmly, "Give me a hint."


The secret communication method that had been arranged long before the departure took effect, and soon there were little soldiers who sounded like a common bird cry, and the gunfire of the fighting became more and more intense, gradually coming in their direction.

I don't know who fired the first shot, and immediately started fighting. Under the cover of rainy night, the fierce battle lasted for an hour and finally ended with Xu Qigang leading people all over.

After throwing off the chase, everyone had time to check the situation of the rescued.

There was only one person left in Wang Yi's ten team.

"My mission failed." Wang Yi sat on the ground as if he lost his soul, letting go of mud and water, blood on his clothes, his own and his enemies. The other soldier who was rescued alive did not seem to be very old. The originally dark and bright eyes were now covered with blood, and there were tears in his eye sockets, but he insisted on not letting the tears fall.

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