May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 460: The punishment is too harsh

The ten people who followed Qin Yue heard the quarrel here suddenly surrounded them, and they all looked at the two with shocked eyes, but they didn't dare to say anything when Qin Yue stopped them.

Xin Yue raised her eyebrows, then nodded, looking at Gu Yunbo's eyes as if she was saying, ‘I haven’t been completely fainted yet. ’

"Okay! I'm going!" Qin Yue clenched his fists and gestured to his own person without hesitation, "Let's go."

"team leader?"

"Does the captain really want to leave?"

"The battalion commander, you can't go back, you can't go back even if you die."

The ten people were shocked. If they were driven away like this, what face would they have to go back? I'm so ashamed!

"Thor, can you change a punishment? We can accept any punishment you change, but this is the only thing we can't go back."

"Yes!" Everyone gathered around Gu Yunbo, begging eagerly: "Thor, we can't go back even if we die! Our captain is wrong, we apologize for the captain."

"Thunder God, give us a chance to take our sins and make merit."

"I beg you……"

"Shut up!" Gu Yunbo suffered from the noise. "Remember your identities. How can you ask for help?"

Everyone, look at me, I see you are very wronged. They don't want it either! Who wants to ask someone, but still ask a woman? You must know that they are all military backbones in the army, and they have not bowed their heads wherever they go.

If you were not punished too harshly, would they ask for help?

"We can't go back."

The tempers of the people also came up, and they stubbornly said: "Give us a chance to take our sins and do meritorious service!"

"And when we go, your danger increases."

Qin Yue watched all of his people begging for Gu Yunbo, but the latter was unmoved, his sword eyebrows twitched. He understood why Gu Yunbo was expelled from the army.

With her personality, it's strange not to be expelled.

"Commander, talk to you!" Someone pulled Qin Yue's sleeve, "Are you embarrassed to go back?"

"I'm so embarrassed to go back! Don't say anything, follow me. Since others rush us back, don't be an eyesore here." After speaking, he turned around and left.

The others were dumbfounded. They looked at Gu Yunbo and Qin Yue's back, and finally gritted their teeth and turned to follow.

Gao Jinglin was dumbfounded during the whole process, and said cautiously after knowing that people had finished walking: "Sister Bo, is it appropriate to drive away the gangster like this? In fact, although he made a mistake, it did not cause serious consequences."

Even he just wanted to help the little gangster to intercede, but he had people who thought of his sister Bo, and couldn't turn his elbow out of the way and stabbed Sister Bo in the heart. In the end, I can only say nothing or participate. And he didn't expect the little gangster to actually leave. You must know that his skin thickness is second in the army and no one dares to be the first.

Under normal circumstances, the little hooligan would never leave at this level.

"The punishment for violating the order is not serious. If I forgive him now, who else will listen to me?"

Gao Jinglin was silent, "Sister Bo, you are right."

"Yeah! Let's go!"


The fact that Qin Yue was driven away spread to all the teams in the first place. Each of them had two special investigators in charge of communications. When the news came, everyone's jaws were shocked.

Qin Xue kicked off the wooden stake in front of him, and his anger was high.

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