May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 462: Huo Dongfeng

Although the Yin family has always been in the political world, although they have nothing to do with the military, they have a good relationship with the Huo family! He thought carefully about it, and he wanted to bring down the Shen family. The first sink, a behemoth for so many years, will have its vitality even if it is brought down. This is not something smart people should do.

So after thinking about it, he can only focus his attention on his hairpin Huo Dongfeng. With his grandson, the commander of the military region, personally come forward, he doesn't believe he can't help his cousin.

Yin Nan looked at Huo Dongfeng's helpless expression, and the corner of his mouth conjured up a successful smile. According to the relationship of the family, the Huo family never participated in these things, Huo Dongfeng was unwilling, but in the end he still took action.

"You told you to wait, you were too impulsive."

"How long have I been waiting for you?"

"Isn't my uncle gone? Everyone is looking for it now!"

Yin Nan was dumbfounded, "Is your uncle lost?"

"You don't understand what I told you." Huo Dongfeng ignored him, turned his head and said to the soldier standing guard, "This is my friend, please let it go!"

"Yes! Master Huo." The soldier saluted the soldier, his body trembling with excitement.

Although Huo Dongfeng is the grandson of the commander-in-chief, he himself does not belong to the army, but the air force has heard that his performance is particularly excellent, and he has been promoted to the rank of colonel at a young age.

The door opened, and the two walked in side by side.

The smile on Yin Nan's face hadn't disappeared since Huo Dongfeng appeared. The two walked in side by side, causing Huo Dongfeng to cast a disgusting look.

"Aren't your family enemies with Commander Meng?" Huo Dongfeng asked puzzledly.

"Yeah! It's because I'm an enemy that makes you support me!" Yin Nan replied in a good mood.

"Are you getting involved with Shen Ming?"

When Huo Dongfeng spoke, he was caught off guard to ask, and Yin Nan didn't expect him to be so cunning. Without a defensive expression on his face, he revealed his true thoughts.

"Sure enough." Huo Dongfeng shook his head, "You have to think about it."

"I thought about it a long time ago. Besides, this is not my opinion, but our old man's." Since it was discovered that Yin Nan was not hiding it, "We are all worried about the safety of cousin Meng Fan, not for other reasons. He couldn't stay out of the matter either. And grandpa said that since my aunt's death, my cousin has never asked our Yin family to do anything. The first time he opened his mouth, grandpa would only be happy, and he never thought of harming his own interests. "

"Okay! Just say this to you, and I will help you too." Huo Dongfeng gave Yin Nan a reassurance. He and Yin Nan were both young, and the brothers who have been so many years should help.

As Yin Nan said, his cousin asked him for help for the first time, so he would not refuse. And Yin Nan asked him for help for the first time, and of course he would not refuse.

Huo Dongfeng watched the rush of people coming and going in the military department, a chill flashed in his eyes. Their Huo family has always been low-key, neither grandpa nor father likes high-key, but this does not mean that their Huo family has fallen.

First sink!

What a big tone.

Gao Yuejin listened to the report from the confidential secretary, saying that Huo Dongfeng had come, and he was taken aback for a while before remembering who Huo Dongfeng was. How could the grandson of the commander-in-chief come to their second army headquarters?

"I see, did you hear that it is for something?" This one, who never comes, this time, he must have gone to the Three Treasures Palace.

PS: For an advertisement, please pay attention to my new article "Big Chief, Little Daughter-in-law" Rebirth, Scumbag Pet, Selling Cute, Asking for Collection, Asking for Recommendation, Asking for Reward...

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