May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Do your part

"Okay, everyone come over and we will arrange the next action." Meng Fan greeted and looked at Gu Yunbo, "Thor, you are the commander-in-chief, what do you plan next?"

"..." Why did she feel that she was teased by Little Star? "Come on, Young Commander, please." She knew her strengths and weaknesses, and she was far behind Xiao Xingxing in terms of specific combat arrangements and experience.

The previous master plan was based on her previous experience and thought for a long time before making arrangements, but how to break through the blockade is still left to professional personnel.

Meng Fan showed a slight smile and said solemnly: "That's good! Lord Thor, I'll do my part."



Why is the head of the group smiling so weird? Have you seen the team leader laugh like this before? Is their guess just now true?


"It depends on what you are doing." Chief Eagle convened a meeting with dozens of small mercenary leaders, and he was so **** that everyone was scolded. Finally, he was so angry that he found a bad performer and shot him on the spot.

Craig sat in the first place and said with a cold face: "Uncle Eagle, what you should do now is to inform the estuary terminal to prepare, right?"

"Haha..." Manager Eagle turned his head and sneered, "That's right! But when I notify the seaport terminal, what I should do is notify the leader."

After such a big incident, the temporary base camp almost made people ready for it, and now everyone heard that they had to notify the leader and looked ugly. When the chief came back, none of them could escape.

Craig clenched his fist secretly, and said, "You are right! You should inform Daddy." She deliberately increased her name to remind Chief Eagle of her status.

Even if there are occasional mistakes, Daddy will choose to forgive her.

Manager Eagle picked up the satellite phone on the table and called Xiao Xiao immediately. The phone rang for a long time before answering.


As soon as Chief Eagle was about to speak, he was interrupted by the owl on the phone. "Don't tell me, I already know!"

Everyone was startled in a cold sweat. Manager Eagle was shocked, whether he was inferior to the leader, and still couldn't jump out of his palm after so many years.

"I have arrived at the pier at the estuary and will be waiting for them here. In addition, the Mi Army has also started to move, and will launch an attack when my side is over."

"Yes! Chief, I know."

Xiao Xiao didn't say much, he just hung up the phone without asking about the specific situation.

Chief Eagle and Craig looked at each other, and saw a panic in each other's eyes.

"Manager Eagle, what shall we do next?" The captain of a mercenary team couldn't help asking: "Although the leader does not let us control, we can't really do nothing."

"Yes! If this is the case, how can we get mixed up in the organization? I knew I was so **** damn that I might as well stay in Africa."

"Funny, there is a ghost place like Africa. Hahaha...beauties, gems and gambling is definitely a paradise on earth..."

There was a roar of laughter at the scene again, and the danger here is far less attractive to them desperadoes than the material and excitement.

Craig looked at it coldly, and had already made up his mind that no matter what Chief Eagle would do, she would definitely not accompany her. She was going to the Haikou Pier to help Daddy, so she didn't have the time to spend with him here.

"You continue, I will leave if I have something to do."

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