May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 522: Yuanjia Road is narrow

"Okay! There is no performance task for you today. We will go back after attending the final speech of the 129th Division. After working hard for a month, everyone will take two days off."

"Oh oh oh!"

"Thank you, head!"

"Before disbanding, I want to warn you that you are not allowed to cause trouble. Wait for the lecture place, the 129th division has been specially divided for us, let me be honest one by one."

Yang Wenying's usual threats poured cold water on everyone.


"Neither dare we!"

"There are fifty-six divisions, we can't be a low-key man if we advance!" The big guy whispered in a low voice.

"Disband below!"


Thousands of people gathered on the large square of the 129th Division, like a green ocean, and the people watching it were full of enthusiasm.

Under the leadership of the Thirty-Nine Division Art Troupe, came to the pre-arranged place. Wait a look at the destination. "Heh! It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia!"

Chen Huaying's mouth is absolutely sharp.

"The left is advancing, and the right is the 56th division. This is the second and ninth division.

The arrangement at this location is really unpredictable!

The three teams joined together, and the tense atmosphere immediately escalated.

Zhou Kemeng of the Fifty-sixth Division looked at the position that had been empty in the middle was actually reserved for the thirty-ninth division, and made a very disgusting look.

Bai Olan, standing on the left, is still straight, her snow-white skin glowing in the sun. It's easy to make everyone an ugly duckling.

Of course, this person certainly does not include Sheng Ning.

The same skin wins snow, one pale and weak, the other ruddy and shiny. A 22-year-old empty valley orchid, and an 18-year-old beautiful rose.

Shengning's beauty, even Bai Olan couldn't help but fear.

Sheng Ning was the last to stand with Chen Huaying because of her tall stature. There is still not a short distance from the front leader.

From her, you can see Su Yun's arrogant chin!

She squinted her eyes, thinking that this person would be her mother, she felt uncomfortable. She doesn't like Su Yun in her previous life or in this life.

Leaving aside the complex contradictions, the aura of the two of them is simply incompatible.

"Hello, see you again!" Bai Oulan also stood at the end, turning her head to greet Sheng Ning politely but without losing sight of alienation.

Sheng Ning sneered, "Not good at all! Thank you!"

Her words can be said to have not given Bai Olan's face at all, which made everyone see Sheng Ning's eyes breathing fire.

"You are so rude!"

"Yes! How could you do this to Olan? Do you know who she is?"

Sheng Ning fluttered with big eyes and shook her head innocently, "Who is it?"

Zhou Kemeng couldn't help but sneered, "She is Meng Fan's fiancée. Do you not know Meng Fan?"

"I know!" Sheng Ning put away the chuckle on her face and replied solemnly, "Meng Fan is a battle hero, a clan hero!" After finishing speaking, he sarcastically asked Bai Olan: "But is she worthy? "

As long as she thinks of the white swan holding Meng Fan's fiancée, she will win sympathy everywhere. While meeting with other men, I feel sick.

And it seems that this is not the first time she has been with that man, and it will definitely not be the last.

It was hateful that she came to ruin the dead in this way.

"You, you... are you crazy? You dare to say that Olan!"

Everyone's eyes looking at Sheng Ning were full of weirdness, and they even suspected that there was a problem with their ears.

"Oulan, come here!" Su Yun stood at the forefront, and beckoned to Bai Oulan, "Come and sit down with Auntie!"

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