May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 553: The Shackles of Two Lives

This saber was what she stabbed Meng Ping in her previous life. It was bought under vanity when she first joined the army. After being reborn in this life, she often took it with her, and today she finally has a place to use it.

"" looked at her in disbelief, and watched as she pulled out the saber that was stuck in her abdomen.

"Boom..." At the same time, the office door was smashed open with force. As soon as Xu Qigang came in, what was greeted was the scene of Sheng Ning pulling it out of his abdomen.

He was cold and cracked. A heart seemed to be severely cut into pieces by countless steel knives.

The dumbfounded Meng Ping was beaten to the ground with a severe punch.

In his mind, he watched at a loss as Sheng Ning, who was in a pool of blood, was picked up by the tall man and rushed out. He couldn't even hear the sounds around him, he didn't know that was the case.

Obviously... he just wanted to have a good talk with her, obviously he wanted to be nice to her and let her accept herself.

Why is it like this?

Why did she stabbed herself? He really deserved to assault her, but she shouldn't stab herself! To stab him should be to stab him as a bastard.

No one knows the reason, no one knows the shackles that have been held in Shengning's heart for two lives.

"Second Master... Second Master, how are you?" The entire department store was smashed by the two men of King Living Hades and Chen Yingjie, and there were still marks of machine gun bullets in many places.

The scared soul of the little fat man was gone. He came in with Xu Qigang, and it was only during the day when he saw the inside. Seeing the blood on Meng Ping, he hurriedly said: "The Second Young Master, you are also injured? How did you become like this? This Shengning's character is too strong!" They had teased other female soldiers before, but they didn't. I have seen that woman be so cruel to herself.

Carrying a saber with you, how ruthless is it to dare to hit your stomach with a knife? Or how hate it?

"I'm fine!" Meng Ping's feet were soft, and fell to the ground in a decadent manner.

"Then all this blood belongs to Comrade Shengning?" It's over. I heard that the Su family takes this niece very seriously. If they know that they have been stabbed, what's the matter?

Meng Ping held his head with painful hands, clutching his own hair, and said hysterically: "Why did it become like this? Why? Why should she be so cruel to me? She hates me, she doesn't like to stab me, why did she choose to stab me? Own?" Although this knife pierced Sheng Ning's body, it was in Meng Ping's heart that he could never get rid of.

Life after life, without dying.


Chen Yingjie drove the car so fast that it almost flew, his whole heart was tense, and his hands on the steering wheel couldn't stop shaking.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Xu Qigang urged in a hoarse voice. He hugged Shengning tightly in his arms. The bleeding wound was bandaged by him with first aid measures, but this still couldn't stop her body temperature. Getting lower and lower.

"Xiao Ning, we will be at the hospital soon, and soon..." He whispered in Sheng Ning's ear over and over again, his eyes flushed, his handsome face looked even worse than Sheng Ning's face because of pain and worry. pale.

On the battlefield, he has experienced life and death countless times, watching his comrades-in-arms brothers die in front of his own eyes. But not once, as desperate as he is now, he couldn't imagine, what would he do if Xiaoning died?

What's the point of being alive?

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