They all know the character of the Living Hades, and he will always be in the forefront of any problem.

"Then what to do now?" Chen Yingjie finally panicked, "Instructor, you can take care of it, or else our war wolf group will be over!"

Zhou Hong rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, "Go back and comfort the bastards. They drove out the tanks when I went out. If I hadn't stopped it, I estimated that they would have arrived at the department store." The **** listened. When something happened, one by one was flaring his teeth and claws, and some regretted almost vomiting blood.

Why was this opportunity to be born and die with the head of the group by Chen Yingjie again? Why is it all good?

Damn it, let him show up again.

"What? It really is kind."

"Shut up! Go back and comfort those bastards, and then cooperate with the investigation."

"Yes, instructor."


Sheng Ning woke up in the middle of the night, and his whole body ached after the anesthesia. When she opened her eyes, Xu Qigang's sharp and handsome face was greeted with a layer of scum on her chin. The whole person has a decadent and bohemian temperament.

"Wake up? Are you sad?" Xu Qigang smiled at her, but the corners of his mouth were stiff and couldn't make a smile. In the end, I had to gritted my teeth and said: "Wait for you to heal, and see how I can treat you."

"I can't ask for it!" Sheng Ning smiled heartlessly, and her little face wrinkled because of the painful wound.

"I know it hurts now? How could I get such a cruel hand at the time?" God knows his soul is scared.

"It hurts... It hurts..." Sheng Ning's voice was as small as a sheep, and said pitifully, "Will you kiss me, Living Hades? If you kiss me, it won't hurt."

"You..." He couldn't say a word when he wanted to train her. Xu Qigang finally leaned over and sealed her lips with an affectionate kiss.

"Don't hurt yourself in the future, have you heard?" He whispered hoarsely, "No matter what happens, you are not allowed to hurt yourself, okay?"


Xu Qigang interrupted her, looked at her seriously and persistently, and said word by word: "Remember, nothing is more important than your life, promise me!"

Sheng Ning blinked, tears falling from the corners of her eyes. "it is good!"

"We can just go home together this time." When it comes to going home, Xu Qigang's eyes are full of smiles.

"Go home? Do you have time?" Sheng Ning knows how busy Xu Qigang is, the more stringent the indicators are at the end of the year. Her own injury is destined to say goodbye to the joint performance of the Spring Festival, but Xu Qigang can't.

"I have a lot of time." He shook her hand and said, "When you are discharged from the hospital, we will go back to our hometown."



"Great! I want to be safe, I want my parents."

Sheng Ning fell asleep again due to excessive blood loss. Xu Qigang watched her infusion and asked the nurse to pull out the needle, unknowingly, fell asleep on the edge of the bed.

This night, he had a dream, a very long nightmare.

Sheng Ning's injury was quietly suppressed, and a shocking wave just stirred up. It didn't take long for it to be calm, and many people didn't even know it.

The members of the Thirty-Nine Division only heard that Junhua had appendicitis and needed to be hospitalized. The inside of the cultural and industrial troupe also used this reason to appease, and everyone was more or less a pity for Shengning. It has just been determined that I hope that the lead dancer of the wilderness will take a month’s rest.

It is a pity that I hope that the position of the lead dancer in the field will be replaced by someone.

Now the biggest news has all been robbed of the limelight by the Wolves. Xu Qigang, the commander of the Wolf Regiment, and Chen Yingjie, the fourth battalion commander, gathered for a fight, and the investigation was stopped.

This explosive news shook the 39th Division.

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