Meng Xingzhi opened the door and walked in.

"Is it better? How does it feel to take a rest for a year?" Meng Xingzhi sat down on the chair in front of the bed, and the many medals on his military uniform almost blinded Meng Ping's eyes.

"No! Dad, can you not bring these things to see me? Deliberately?" Meng Ping's voice was dull, obviously in a terrible mood. His hospitalization was completely blocked, and even the little fat man couldn’t see him. All news from the outside world was cut off. Originally wanted to ask Su Yun, but Su Yun stayed with him every day, and he had the same attitude towards her biological daughter. Ask a fart!

"Do you think I want to?" If there is not an important meeting today, he must be dressed up to attend, is he wearing such a formal dress?

"How is Shengning?" Meng Ping Ping asked expressionlessly.

"not so good!"

"What?" Meng Ping was eager to sit up, causing his ribs to hurt, his heart was piercing, his forehead was covered with fine cold sweat. "hiss……"

"I think you want to enter the operating room once, right?" Meng Xingzhi hurriedly helped him to lie down, "Tell me to be honest, you see how you look now, I really didn't expect the Meng family to be able to leave. You are such a lover." His words are full of surprises and contempt. Although Meng Ping's unruly behavior has caused him a headache for so many years, he has never worried.

His own son is not a fool, even if he is unwilling to serve as a soldier, he will definitely be in other fields. But when the incident came out this time, the old man and eldest sister at home were furious.

Infatuation is not a good thing. He would rather his son stay on the loose, and find a right person to marry and have children.

"I also think I'm finished." Meng Ping was filled with despair.

"I promised Su Jiang that you will never show up in front of Shengning in the future." Meng Xingzhi's eyes flashed distressed as he watched his son, but he was quickly replaced by coldness, "Since I am destined to not get it, it is better to let go early. "

"I can't do it, I really can't do it. As long as I think that she is not mine, I will have a piercing pain, obviously...clearly she should be mine." Meng Ping put his right hand on his waist. During this period of time, he always felt the pain of the fire here, but he asked the doctor to check it but there was nothing.

"You must do it." Meng Xingzhi's face was angry, "If you don't let go, you will kill her sooner or later."

"I... why did I kill her? I obviously want to be nice to her, I just want to see her and guard her all the time." Meng Ping didn't understand, why did he do it badly? Does he still say that Xu Qigang is not as good as that? Why would she rather commit suicide than accept him?

"Give up!" Meng Xingzhi's voice was cold, "Don't embarrass our Meng family, our Meng family can't afford to lose face. People would rather commit suicide than accept you. Is this not clear enough?"

This time he came to wake up this stupid son.

"Let go! Let her a way to survive, and let her a way to survive."

Meng Ping's peachy eyes were full of despair. He opened his eyes wide, and his heart seemed to be wrapped in layers of invisible threads, painful and bored. A person waded in bed for a long time in silence, and he didn't know when Meng Xingzhi left.


Sheng Ning was injured and was hospitalized, and the female soldiers of the art troupe also came to visit one after another. Several groups of people came back and forth. In fact, Shengning is still very happy, because everyone is willing to come, she is not too failed in life.

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