May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 580: It's not his own

"Here, I really came back." Xu Xianxiong was very happy.

"Is that my daughter-in-law?" Zhao Lanzhi pointed at Sheng Ning next to Xu Qigang with wide-eyed eyes, "No wonder this kid is so proactive, it's like a flower stuck on the cow dung..."

So Xu Qigang, Sheng Ning and Xu Xianxiong who walked in all remained silent strangely.

"Mom, you..." Xu Qigang swallowed when he was talking, did anyone say that about his son? He really wasn't his own.

Lanzhi Zhao was shocked for a while, and regretted it after saying, "Qigang is back! Who is this, why don't you tell me about it?"

Xu Xianxiong said quickly: "Don't you know? Why do you still ask?"

"Shut up!" Zhao Lanzhi said irritably.

"Hello Auntie, this is Shengning." Shengning greeted Zhao Lanzhi with a pleased smile.

This is the future mother-in-law, who must be pleased!

"Yes, not bad!" Zhao Lanzhi nodded, "have not eaten yet? Are you hungry? Go to our house first."

"No!" Sheng Ning shook her head, "I haven't gotten home yet!" Although the two are getting married, she can't run to the man's house after getting out of the car. This would be drowned by saliva in the countryside.

"Oh!" The family of three showed disappointed expressions in unison.

"Really not going to sit down? Have a meal?"

"Really not going!" If she does go, parents must be sad.

"Okay, then! Qi Gang, you send it to your wife."

"it is good!"


Xu Qigang sent Shengning to the village all the way, only then left under Shengning's urging. Walking under the big locust tree at the east end of the village, Sheng Ning couldn't help but stop, her eyes fixed on the big locust tree, as if she had passed through a long time and saw the scene of the peaceful and early death of her previous life.

Back then, An An's coffin was parked here.

Sheng Ning stopped for a long time under the bare big locust tree, only to return to her senses when she knew that she was patted on the shoulder.

"Ningning is you back? Are you really back?"

When she looked back, her eyes were still a little dazed. After thinking about it carefully, she realized that it was the village chief's wife, Qi Mei. When she came back last time, the village chief and Widow Zhang’s cheating was revealed by her. The two fought and finally got divorced.

Isn't it divorced? Why are you back again?

Qi Mei probably also saw the doubt in Shengning's eyes, a trace of grief flashed across her face, and said helplessly: "The days are always going to pass, the child is still young, even if I don't think for myself, I must think for the child."

This is probably the sorrow of an era, no matter how scumbag a man is, in the end women have to make compromises and compromises. This passing is a lifetime. As for whether you are happy or not, that is not the scope of consideration.

Sheng Ning couldn't help but sympathize with Qi Mei, but he didn't show it on the face. Everyone is an adult and has the right to decide for themselves. Everyone will be responsible for their choices.

No one else can intervene.

"It's so cold, why are you standing here stupidly? Why don't you go home? If An An knows that you are back, you will be so happy."

Speaking of An An Shengning, a warm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Qi Mei looked at her with surprise in her heart. This girl has changed a lot since she became a soldier, completely different from when she was at home before. And the longer the person is, the more watery he is, and the little face can almost pinch water out.

"I just miss home, so just take a look." Sheng Ning greeted Qi Mei and walked home.

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