At night, Xu Qigang did not go home, but went straight to the county seat. Li Bin stood on the steps at the entrance of the yard, smiling as he watched Xu Qigang come in.

"I knew you would come, but I didn't expect it to be so slow." Li Bin has been waiting for him since he knew Xu Qigang was coming back! Usually, every time he visits relatives, he will come back to him after returning home. It has been several days since he came back this time, and he actually showed up.

"Living Hades, our Li Bin waits at the door every day, and we look forward to your coming!" Mother Li greeted with a smile.

Xu Qigang nodded implicitly, "Sorry, I was delayed by something."

"Look, this kid is too sincere. We were very happy when you came to see Li Bin. Talk to the two of you. I'll cook some special dishes."

"Thank you auntie."

"You're welcome!"

After Li's mother left, Xu Qigang personally helped Li Bin to his study. After he sat down, Xu Qi just poured himself a glass of water naturally.

"I heard that you are getting married, congratulations." Li Bin said sincerely: "When will I bring my sister-in-law to meet?"

Xu Qigang thought of Sheng Ning with a helpless expression, "I have a chance." Originally, I went to see her today because I wanted to settle the matter of buying clothes, but the girl didn't give him time.

"Quarreled?" Li Bin was as careful as a hair, even if Xu Qigang concealed it well, he still found some clues. This brother, his face is expressionless all year round. If he has an expression that day, it means something has happened. In fact, Living Hades is the best guess, but Meng Fan, he is complicated and difficult to understand.

Thinking of Meng Fan, Li Bin's smile couldn't help but freeze.

"No, just **** you off with me!" He was willing to tolerate her and pet her, so it was not a quarrel.

"Living Hades, it seems that you are really finished!" Li Bin was a little gloat, "Is your family afraid of daughter-in-law inherited?"

"of course not!"

"I don't think it is necessarily. Your wife hasn't married and entered the door! It has already shown the clues. I think Uncle Xu is your lesson."

Xu Qigang touched his chin without making a sound. His father is not afraid of his wife, he just loves his wife.

It is their Xu family's inheritance to love their wife, but there is no need to share such things with others.

"How are your legs? Is there any serious winter?" Xu Qigang asked.

"Haha..." Li Bin smiled, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Let's do it! As soon as the weather is cold in winter, the cold will come out of the bones, and the whole night will be painful and unable to sleep."

This time, Li Bin's condition was obviously worse than last time. He was pale and thin and almost out of shape.

The good brothers who were full of spirits turned into this way, even the hard-hearted people would be sad. Xu Qigang patted his shoulder lightly, calmly said: "Don't worry, you will definitely recover."

"You don't want to go to the United States for treatment again." Li Bin once again persuaded: "It's better not to stick to a country where capitalism is rotten. Even if I can't stand on my legs, that's it." He gave up long ago.

"There is no me on the list of missions this time, but I will definitely be there next time." Xu Qigang never gave up sending Li Bin to the United States for treatment. He was not optimistic about the mission of the 129th Division to the Soviet Union this time, mainly because all the personnel were too rushed and did not adjust to the best condition.

There are some people who are simply not suitable to go. With so many factors in it, he had a foreboding that he would have to shoot the third group of people over.

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