"My dear..." Sheng Ning was helpless by his fierce offensive. She was weak in his arms and clung to his shoulders with her hands tightly attached to his shoulders. He was afraid, like a rootless duckweed. Give her a sense of security.

"I'm...I'm..." Xu Qigang finally let go of her lips, holding her tightly, wishing to rub her whole body into his body.

He directly took off her loose pajamas, letting her flawless body appear in front of him.

"Xiaoning!" Because of depression, his voice was low and hoarse, full of deep emotion.

"Living Hades..." Sheng Ning responded enthusiastically, stretching out his jade-like arms to take off his clothes. "Here!" He took her hand and put it directly on the belt around his waist, "Waiting for you to take it off!"

Sheng Ning's mind was blank for a long time, and her whole body was weak and weak. And after last night, her body became more and more sexy. His big hands moved around on her skin, and there was a fluffy electric current where he said it, hot and hot.

"be good."

The room temperature rose rapidly. The air is full of ambiguous breath, accompanied by a blushing heartbeat...

"No way... my dear is really no way today."

"Xiao Ning, I'll be slower..." His voice was hoarse. "Xiaoning, I can't control it anymore, okay?"

"Hmm..." Sheng Ning couldn't refuse him at all, let alone his body was so empty under his torment. She even rubbed his strong and powerful body unconsciously.

Suddenly, Sheng Ning was pressed under his body by his whole body. Before he could react, Xu Qigang stood up, bravely and unstoppably began to charge into the battle.

Sheng Ning's eyes turned black for a while, feeling that her soul was about to fly out.

"No way...please."

Someone doesn't listen at all, or can't hear a word.

The woman's squeaky voice accompanied the man's heavy breathing, and it didn't stop until dawn. In the end, how many times did Xu Qigang want her, Sheng Ning didn't know, she was exhausted and passed out.

Before passing out, someone was still asking for it without knowing it.


The next day, the sky was faintly bright. Xu Qigang looked at the sleeping little daughter-in-law in his arms, and did not get up early to exercise for the first time. His handsome face is less cruel and serious, and more attached and affectionate.

In the past, he couldn't imagine that he had never stopped one day after he had been exercising for more than ten years, and he made an exception today.

He lowered his head and kissed gently on the red and swollen lips of his little daughter-in-law, feeling that some part of his body was hard again.

Sheng Ning was awakened, feeling something against her body during sleep. She opened her eyes in horror and plunged straight into Xu Qigang's deep eyes.

"Morning!" someone greeted refreshingly. I went back three days today, otherwise I really want her to stay out of bed forever.

"..." Sheng Ning opened her mouth, feeling that her whole body was about to be torn apart.

"Drink some water!" Xu Qigang got up, brought the water that had been poured a long time ago, and tried the temperature of the water, which was just right for drinking, and he thoughtfully fed her the drink. "How is it? Is it better?"

Sheng Ning glared at him, "Tonight you hit the floor to sleep."

"The ground is too cold!"

"I heard that your wolf group likes to do field training in the ice and snow the most."

"Who said it? Nothing."

"Our teacher..."

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