Sheng An gave a thumbs up, "Grandpa really can't tell! You still peel corn particles."

"That is, I am also the son of ordinary people."

Sheng An snorted and said in surprise: "No! I obviously heard that your family used to be a rich man." She heard the little gangster say that the Su family used to be a rich man in Shanxi, and the silver dollars in the house were put in the warehouse. No more. Later, the old man made a revolution and ran out of his wealth.

"Nonsense, why is our family rich?" The old man became unhappy. "Our family is clearly a poor peasant with a red roots, eight generations of poor peasants. When I was a child, I was hungry and ate bark and grass roots. I had to go when I was not studying. beg."

"Can I still have money to study by eating bark and grass roots?" Sheng An was either questioning or purely curious. Their family had no money, so they had to drop out of school. Her sister used to be stubborn and awkward, but she did well in her studies.

If it weren't for the money, maybe they really had a college student.

"Uh...this...this!" Father Su was dismantled by a naive little girl, feeling very shameless. He hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Huh? Why hasn't your sister come back? Didn't you say that you want to come back soon?"

He looked forward to the stars and the moon every day, so he hoped that Ningning would return home in three days!

"What time is it? It's less than nine o'clock." Sheng An said indifferently.

"What time is it? Shouldn't you be back at seven?" The old man sleeps very little. He woke up at five in the morning and couldn't sleep. He got up early and waited for his granddaughter to come home.

"……"Ok! The sister's grandfather is too good, she can't tell.

When Sheng Ning and Xu Qigang came back, they heard the conversation between the old and the young, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously. Such an old man really made her like it.

"We are back!" She yelled softly.

The old man was very happy when he heard it.

Sheng An immediately put down the corn in his hand, jumped up to meet him, "Sister, you are finally back..."

The ignored Xu Qigang retreated helplessly.

"Shouldn't you be the most popular son-in-law after three days of going back to the door? Why do you feel like you are a little eye-catching?" Qin Yue ridiculed, and finally got An An's eyes.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"Xiao An'an, can't you say that, do I know?" Qin Yue played a rogue.

Shen Luhua, who was busy in the yard, heard the voice and hurriedly greeted him. At first glance, he looked at Xu Qigang and said with a smile: "Qigang is here? Hurry up and sit in the house. Hurry up, An'an, help your brother-in-law carry things! Don't let you Brother-in-law is tired."

Shen Luhua asked her mother-in-law to look at her son-in-law, and the more they looked, the more satisfied they became. And the daughter-in-law is doing well in her in-laws' house, it is mainly up to the son-in-law, isn't she going to be nice to the son-in-law after returning home these three days?

"That's right, is it just for dinner?" The youngest Sheng moved inconveniently, and the last one to greet him was even happier than Shen Luhua.

"Mom, I'm not tired." Xu Qigang was ashamed to ask his sister-in-law to help him carry things, and hurried into the house to move east and west.

"Sit down, just in time for our father to chat."

The couple were greeted in separately and divided into two camps. Shen Luhua and Sheng Lao San cared for Xu Qigang, the old man and Sheng An cared for Sheng Ning, only Qin Yue was left out.

Qin Yue said, "..." It turned out that Lao Tzu was the unpopular one. No, he must start as soon as possible and take down his little wife, or else he will have no status in the future.

"Come on, this is still a change of tune." Shen Luhua took out a red envelope and stuffed Xu Qigang. This is the countryside. The son-in-law must give it to his mother-in-law the first time he visits. Xu Qigang knows the rules and respectfully accepts it.

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