He wanted to engrave all her looks on his heart, her smiles and every move.

"Boss, let's go back!"

"Okay!" Meng Ping opened his eyes, and his gloomy eyes burst out with astonishing light. "Come with me to the State Guest Hotel." His worship brother came from Hong Kong yesterday and was staying at the State Guest Hotel.

"Ah? Where are you going? No, no... If Commander Meng knew he would break my leg." The little fat man jumped back a few steps in shock.

"Don't forget it!" Meng Ping got up and went by himself.

"Wait for me... can't I go?" The little fat man wanted to cry without tears, how could he forget how hard the boss was.


After the sympathy performance some time ago, the cultural and industrial troupe finally stopped for a while with the performance in the military area. I heard that the teacher was in a bad mood recently, and the atmosphere of the thirty-nine division from top to bottom was so tense. Under this kind of environment, all performances were naturally stopped.

Politics is an extremely sensitive thing, and the turbulence of higher-level leaders can drive the direction below. The original thick pile of performance plans were all suspended, and the art troupe was relieved from top to bottom.

No way, the performances were too frequent some time ago, and many people couldn't hold on. Take Hailan for example! I have taken leave three times this month, and the whole group is her most delicate.

No performances, no holidays every day, all kinds of rehearsals and basic skills continue as usual. The Wilderness of Hope, which had been stopped by Qiubai for more than a month, started again. Many people secretly said that Shengning must be back. Otherwise, how could it be possible to start the Wilderness of Hope?

When Sheng Ning had the operation, everyone thought that Hailan could replace it, but Hailan was severely beaten in the face. Teacher Qiubai would rather stop than use sea blue.

Proud Hailan was so embarrassed for the first time in her life. For a month, she had been thinking about revenge and shame all the time.

"Look, someone is dishonest again." Lu Dabao whispered in Yang Xiaoman's ear, "How come I find that I hate Hailan so much?"

"You don't like her, naturally you don't like her." Yang Xiaoman turned his head and glanced at Hailan who was dancing. He had to admit that Hailan's figure is very suitable for ballet, and her dancing posture is also very elegant. In exchange for the existence of a pillar in any place, it is a pity that she came to the thirty-nine division with abundant talents. I met the most critical old teacher Qiubai, so it can only show that she is out of luck.

"No matter how you dance, I'm not as good as Sheng Ning." Lu Dabao whispered. I put my hand in my pocket to get something to eat, but it was hollowed out, and I couldn't help sighing, "I can't get through this day. I have nothing to eat when Shengning goes home."

"Promising..." Yang Xiaoman despised.

"I'm so prosperous. You're so bored. I won't play with you. I'll go to Wu Youli." Lu Dabao got up from the ground and quickly rushed towards the door. Hailan was just practicing spinning. She was wearing a white dance skirt. The flower on the floor is so beautiful as a delicate doll.

She watched Lu Dabao pass by her left side and moved three-pointers to the left in a calm manner.

"Boom..." Everyone who was terrified by the terrifying falling sound stopped their movements. Lu Dabao tripped and rushed out for nearly ten meters under inertia, and he rolled on the ground several times.

"Ah..." Lu Dabao screamed violently, and everyone who was scared turned pale.

Then the screams that followed, can be described as hysterical. "Ah..." Hailan's high-decibel scream almost pierced the eardrum.

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