May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 666: Close relationship

Sheng Ning was also in the eating lineup, holding her lunch box and lowered her head to eat quickly. She gave Dabao a copy, and she must finish the meal as soon as possible and bring it back to Dabao. Otherwise it will be cold for a long time.

"Hello Master!"

"Hello Master!"


The soldiers got up or saluted or greeted one after another.

A smile appeared on Shen Feihu's serious face. As he turned the corner, he just saw Sheng Ning who had eaten and was preparing to wash the dishes, and he whispered to Xiao Tao.

Xiao Tao rushed to Sheng Ning in front of the crowd. "Comrade Shengning, our teacher is looking for you."

"Yes!" Sheng Ning didn't dare to hesitate, walked to Shen Feihu's table with a trace of tension, and saluted a standard military salute.

Shen Feihu looked at the lunch box in her hand, "Who is this meal for?"

"It's for Lu Dabao from the Arts and Crafts Troupe." Sheng Ning guessed in his heart, and the teacher specially called himself over to show that the reason for the importance was 100% related to the Living Hades. My heart feels warm, right? She needs to redouble her efforts in the future to make the Living Hades also be proud of her.

"By the way, bring another box to Yang Xiaoman who was detained." It is impossible for Shen Feihu to remember everyone's name.

Sheng Ning's eyes lit up when he heard that, the teacher meant that Yang Xiaoman was released?


"Okay, thank you teacher!"

"Hmm! Go ahead!"


On the way back to the dormitory, Lu Xiaoshuang and Zheng Meilin of the cultural engineering troupe, both openly and secretly asked her what the teacher had said to her. Sheng Ning moved around the topic in four rounds.

When he returned to the dormitory, Lu Dabao was anxiously ready to get out of bed.

"You quickly sit down for me, and be careful to leave hidden dangers in the future." Sheng Ning said angrily.

Wu Youli took the opportunity to file a complaint, "I tell you that Dabao just wanted to get out of bed, but I won't let it. She is not happy yet."

"Really?" Sheng Ning sneered, "From tomorrow on, all the snacks are gone."

"No! So Shengning, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore."

Lu Dabao apologized, Sheng Ning pretended not to hear, and handed the meal for Yang Xiaoman to Wu Youli, and asked her to help send it. My relationship with Yang Xiaoman has never been good, especially after Liu Yilan's accident, Yang Xiaoman snorted every time he saw her.

"Yang Xiaoman released?"


"Okay! I'll go right away."

Wu Youli hurriedly left with the lunch box, while Lu Dabao sat on the bed and put a small table to eat obediently. Sheng Ning took the basin and towel to freshen up by herself, and when Dabao came back, she just washed the lunch box before going to bed.

The temperature was low in winter, and her nose was red and cold when she came out. I had to put a hot water bottle in the quilt to cover the heat. After finally waiting to get warmer, I put the small table Dabao used to eat on the bed, took out the notebook and started writing about Phoenix.

Because of the outline, the detailed outline and the plot, Sheng Ning wrote down quickly, almost without hesitation. There was a rustle of her writing in the room. Dabao was very sensible. He didn't bother seeing her seriously. He obediently flipped through his favorite magazine on the bed.

Sheng Ning wrote in one breath that the lights were about to be turned off, so she stretched out to move her sore arms and neck.

"Wu Youli hasn't come back yet?" She was too serious just now, and she discovered that Wu Youli was going to deliver the food, but she hasn't come back yet.

Dabao yawned and was about to speak just as Wu Youli pushed in.

"why are not you sleeping?"

"Waiting for you to come back." Dabao took the opportunity to behave.

Wu Youli smiled and took off her shoes to go to bed.

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