May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 671: Unbearable complexity

Qiubai and Yang Wenying's face changed abruptly, and they stared at her angrily.

"What do you mean by this?"

"I mean that there is no need for the Thirty-Nine Division Art Troupe."


"'s impossible now, but if you leave, maybe the future will be." Su Yun felt more comfortable in her heart when she finished the battle post, and finally let out a sigh. Going out to receive the fruits and nutrients carried by the guards, go to the infirmary to visit Hailan in a happy mood.

Qiu Bai asked nervously as soon as Su Yun left. "Is she true?"

Yang Wenying didn't speak for a long time, her face was gloomy and dripping with water. For a long time, she sat decadently on a chair, rubbing her temples with her hands.

She was too careless, why did she miss Su Yun? Things have developed to this day, regret is no longer mentioned, but...

"Is what Su Yun said true?" Qiubai's urgent question interrupted Yang Wenying's thinking.

She looked up, her eyes covered with red blood. "Su Yun has a lot of problems, and she has always thought about it only for herself. Maybe it was him, she lied the biggest lie about his daughter, so she can still trust her in other aspects."

What she said before she left must be what she wanted to do.

"Damn it!" The good-tempered Qiubai slapped her palm on the table, "I thought it was a dark day in my life in the United States, but I didn't expect it would be so complicated after returning to China."

An artist is the one who can't stand all kinds of dark calculations, because that will consume their energy and mind. Over time, it will affect their creative passion and produce a lingering feeling of fatigue.

Qiu Bai now clearly felt this exhaustion.


The scene where Su Yun went to the 39th Division in person was quite huge. She was not only the head of the advance song and dance troupe, but also the commander's wife and sister of the commander. The three-tiered relationship behind it was enough for her to go to where all the stars are holding the moon, which is highly anticipated.

Her background is genuine, and Hailan has nothing to compare.

As soon as she arrived, even Shen Feihu was alarmed. If it weren't for all from the same compound and too lazy to deal with her, Shen Feihu would have to come forward.

Shen Feihu, who had a thorough understanding of Su Yun's brainless behavior, was dumbfounded when he heard that she was visiting Hailan.

"Master, do you want to come out and receive it?"

"No, she's coming for a private matter, so she will find a few people to receive her."


After Xiao Tao went out, Shen Feihu picked up the phone on the desk and wondered whether he should call Meng Xingzhi, or Su Hai or Su Jiang? Sister and wife are stupid, no one cares?

Forget it, everyone has come, and if it is too late, he should concentrate on watching the joke!

Therefore, Shen Feihu put down the phone decisively.


Even if Shen Feihu didn't make this call, Su Hai, who was working at the municipal party committee, also received comrades. After all, he has been operating in the 39th Division for a long time. Although he has been transferred, he has a lot of confidants.

Su Yun left Yang Wenying's office on the front foot, and the phone on the back foot reached his office.

"Hello, this is Su Hai."

"Hello Director Su."

"It's Xiao Xu! What's the matter?" Su Hai was brief and concise when he heard who the other party was.

"Do you know what Hai Family has done recently?" the other party asked tentatively.

Su Hai nodded, and then realized that he was making a call. He nodded and the other party couldn't see it, so he said, "I know, why does this matter come to us again?" He has been very upset recently, feeling that everything can be done. To their Su family.

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