May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 695: Who will show this posture?

Bai Olan's face was flushed, but her heart was as cold as frost. Meng Fan is the pain in her heart, someone she never wants to mention in her entire life. Today, Shen Yu was very rude. He used to coax her with care and gentleness, but today, everything is like needles.

The last time he proposed to get married, his disapproval must have angered him. He hadn't come to find herself for so many days, she was waiting every day, and she kept the door for him every night, but he never came.

Bai Olan knew that Shen Yu's self-esteem was higher than anyone else. If he is aggressive, he can really never come to him. So she had to put down her posture and came to him.

"Talking, why not talking?"

"Say what? Say I miss you?" Bai Olan softened into mud under him, clinging to his sturdy waist with his hands tightly, biting his lips stubbornly without saying a word.

"Do you think you are still a military flower, or Meng Fan's fiancée? Who do you show this posture to?" Shen Yu sneered coldly, using his hands with great strength, without pitying Yu Yu at all. The rough and thinly callused hands gripped her hard.

Bai Olan finally couldn't help but yelled out, "You...If you don't like me, you can let me go, there is no need to humiliate me. I also have the intention, unlike you are always a cold stone, no matter what. It’s not hot."

Bai Olan was biting her lip, and her heart was constantly suffering in the atmosphere Shenyu could create, wandering, and finally sinking.

The two had been in a cold war for more than a month, and the moment she took the initiative meant she had lost.

"Who said I don't like you? I like the way you are the most." Shen Yu took the initiative to untie his clothes.

"Shen Yu, you are crazy..." Today's Shen Yu scared Bai Olan, but it made her even more excited. He swears, but his body reacts honestly.

Shen Yu snorted comfortably, "I said that feelings are all made." The longer I spend with her, the more I can't do without her. I haven't seen it for more than a month, and he endured very hard.

"Do you love me? Will you treat me well for the rest of your life?" Bai Olan asked eagerly, she was insecure and urgently needed a hesitant commitment. "Will you support me unconditionally whatever I want?"

"Of course, even if it is someone you want to die, I will help you do it." Shen Yu reached out and raised her chin, and kissed her strongly.

"I don't want anyone to die, I only want some people to have a hard time."

"Ha ha ha... this is your main purpose for coming to me today, right?"

"No!" Bai Olan changed his tricks to please him, his cold face was covered with emotional crimson.

It didn't take long for the office to be filled with blushing and heartbeat sounds.

"No one would have thought that the cold white swan would be like this!" Shen Yu smiled smugly.

"Take it lightly, lightly..." Bai Olan put her arms around his neck weakly.

"Where is this!" Shen Yu Xiecheng's lips curled, his appearance at the moment was nothing like normal.

"No more...Shen Yu, forgive me!" Bai Olan couldn't help it anymore and shouted boldly, her voice soft and charming.

"Be quiet!" Shen Yu covered her mouth, "I know you like it and want to scream out, where to go to you tonight."

"Okay! I listen to you, if you say go, go there."

"Good! It's almost the same." A woman just can't get used to it, or she doesn't know her last name.

Shen Yu twisted her face triumphantly, "I will be as obedient as I am now."

"Well! Then you have to be nice to me for the rest of your life."

"What am I doing bad to you?"

"Now..." Bai Olan gave him a pointed glance.

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