May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 713: Can't afford to lose this person

During the New Year, everyone from the Meng family came back, and she didn't want to go to that place. Because their eyes make her feel uncomfortable, and it reminds her of the stupid things she did when she was young. The most important thing is that she hates the Meng family. If it were not for their prevention, she would never marry the short-lived woman. And she wouldn't be angry at going to the countryside to be an educated youth, it was them who broke them up alive by beating the mandarin ducks.

"Yes, the old man is not in good health. He must go back this year. And where Meng Ping is still, I can't go."

"Then I..."

"Are you going with me?" Meng Xingzhi asked expectantly. For so many years, Su Yun never went there during the Chinese New Year, and he was not very easy to explain to his family. The family members also had a lot of criticism about this. If she is willing to put down her figure to accommodate him and coax his family this year, he is willing to reconcile with her as before.

Su Yun hesitated for almost a minute, she was willing to do everything for Meng Xingzhi. If she hadn't hesitated before, but... she has been kicked out of the house now, she would definitely be laughed at if she went to Meng's house.

She can't afford to lose this person.

"Sorry to do it..."

Meng Xingzhi sighed in disappointment, "Your family is right, you will always live only for yourself." After speaking, he hung up the phone without hesitation.

Su Yun's heart seemed to be stabbed fiercely, she lay on the armrest of the sofa and cried loudly.

"Uuuuu...Aunty, why do they all treat me like this? I have put down my posture. Why do you want to force me?"

The aunt looked at her embarrassedly, "Actually, I think you should go back. As a daughter-in-law, it is the most basic etiquette to go back to the elderly during the New Year."

Su Yun's face changed drastically, and she slapped her on the coffee table, "You said I don't know the manners? You said I made trouble without reason?"

"No, no..." The aunt waved her hands in shock.

"Then what do you mean? Tell me clearly."

"I...I..." the aunt dared to continue, Su Yun said that she would turn her face when she turned her face, maybe she fired her when she was angry, then she couldn't even make ends meet.

"Ding Dong..." There was a knock on the door outside, and the aunt ran to open the door like an escape.

Su Yun hurriedly went to the bathroom to wash her face and concealed her crying. When she came out of the bathroom, Bai Oulan was already sitting on the sofa in the living room drinking tea.

"Head, I am sorry that you are not feeling well. I only came to see you now." Bai Oulan saw Su Yun and greeted him happily, her expression innocent and natural exactly the same as before. It seemed that she had no idea about Su Yun being kicked out of the family.

Su Yun finally improved a lot when seeing Bai Oulan's gloomy mood, "Why are you here?"

"Head, have you forgotten? I will come every year!" Bai Oulan's cold face showed a trace of sadness, "It used to be Meng Fan who came with me. Now he is gone and I can only be alone."

Therefore, the two women hugged each other in a heartbroken look.

Su Yun really likes Meng Fan! Meng Fan has been calm and sensible since he was a child, taking care of the overall situation. Never get angry because of trivial matters, and have excellent self-cultivation. And he was gentle and polite to his stepmother. Su Yun really treated him as her own son. When Meng Fan died, she cried more sadly than anyone else, and even got seriously ill.

Bai Oulan is Meng Fan's fiancée, so she takes care of her a lot, even if some people gossiping, she pretends not to know.

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