May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 805: Surrounded the courtyard

The atmosphere in the office of Shen Feihu of the 39th Division was dull and breathless. Meng Xingzhi sat quietly in the first place holding a thermos in his hand.

Shen Feihu was not as calm as he was, burning his eyebrows anxiously, and walked around the office. I want to pick up the ashtray on the table to vent my breath, thinking that the commander is still there, forget it, I have to bear it.

"Two days and one night!" Meng Xingzhi suddenly said, and Shen Feihu quickly stopped.

"Commander, why do I have a bad premonition?" Shen Feihu grabbed his hair anxiously, his own son went to the Soviet Union to perform a mission, but he did not rush into this. "Military commander, since it has been determined that Scarface came out of Shenyu's courtyard. Then should we lead soldiers to encircle Shenyu's courtyard now?"

Meng Xingzhi tapped his fingers on the thermos lightly, and shook his head unhappy when he heard Shen Feihu's proposal. "I'm too impulsive, so wait for news."

"Damn it, why is Kong Jie so slow!" Shen Feihu turned around and continued to call. He didn't get through dozens of calls before, but he didn't expect it to work this time.

"Hello sir, we will be there soon."

"Fuck, why are you answering the phone now?"

"The primeval forest has no signal." Kong Jie was also innocent.

"Where is Xu Qigang? Let him answer the phone!" Shen Feihu said dissatisfiedly: "Damn, you know I was anxious to find Xu Qigang and didn't let him answer the phone the first time."

There was a few seconds of stagnation on the phone, Kong Jie didn't speak, and the environment behind him was quiet.

"What's the matter?" Shen Feihu found that something was wrong, and Meng Xingzhi also stood up abruptly, clenching the cup tightly.

"The Living Hades has passed the Heihe, and no one has brought it back."

"Fucking, isn't this a nonsense?" Shen Feihu jumped into thunder, "You guys get back to me as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, before Kong Jie responded, he hung up the phone with a snap.

"What about the military commander? Xu Qigang did not come back. I didn't expect this Scarface to be so difficult to deal with." According to his expectations, how could Scarface be kept within the border. Unexpectedly, I finally went to the Soviet Union. After Heihe, I was in the Soviet Union. They would be helpless for a while.

And last time Xu Qigang came back with the core information, the entire Soviet Union was under martial law, and there was no way to send troops there.

The door of the office was knocked, and Meng Xingzhi's confidential secretary pushed in.

"Commander!" He shouted, whispered a few words in Meng Xingzhi's ear, and then hurriedly left.

"Encircle the courtyard of Shenyu!" After the confidential secretary left, Meng Xingzhi stood up and calmly gave the order, "Send troops over immediately."

"Yes! I personally lead the team!"

"Well! I can rest assured that you lead the team."

After Meng Xingzhi finished speaking, he got up and left, and Shen Feihu personally delivered it to the door. On the way back, he spoke quickly and gave orders.

"Immediately notify the Wolf Warriors to stand by and act immediately following the arrangement."



The orders were given by Shen Feihu in an orderly manner, and the entire division seemed like a lion that had slept for a long time, and came back to life at once.

"Teacher, the call from the senior staff of the teacher is calling again." Xiao Tao hurried over to report.

"I'll answer it right away." Shen Feihu strode back to answer the phone, "say something!"

"Master, before leaving, the head of the regiment asked you to encircle Shenyu's courtyard." Shangguan Tao didn't intend to talk about it, but he still had to talk to the commander with Kong Jie.

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