Secretary Sun said that he was suffering from eating coptis.

Su Hai looked at the Phoenix manuscript earnestly, and became more satisfied with it. Now that he is in charge of culture, he must make achievements. The publications in the stagnant pool must take new steps and keep up with the trend of the reform and opening up. If you cannot lead in advance, it will disappear in advance.

Su Hai's vision has always been harsh, and he strives to reform and make political achievements. Now, the Phoenix novel before him is the beginning of his innovation, and Next Magazine is his experimental field.

With so many cities across the country, he wants to make the city's culture and sports far ahead of the country and become the vane of the times.

The manuscript in his hand was turned over by Su Hai over and over again, and the general operation plan was already formed in his mind.

One month later

Today is the day when Shen Yu pronounces his sentence, and the death penalty cannot be escaped. The military court officially opened at 9 o'clock in the morning. Before the hearing, many military lieutenants had all arrived at the scene.

Even Su Jiang, who was far away in the Southern Military Region, arrived, with Qin Yue by his side. The solemn and solemn door opened, and the heads who stepped forward were wearing straight military uniforms, and the medals on their chests were dazzling.

Qin Yue walked behind Su Jiang, looking dizzy.

"Don't look around." Su Jiang said angrily.

"How about Commander Meng? Why didn't you see him?" Qin Yue asked in a low voice.

Su Jiang glanced calmly when he heard the words and found that not only Meng Xingzhi had not come, but Hai Yunbing had not come. The Shen family and the Hai family are related by marriage, and the headquarters of such a big matter has been notified, and all high-ranking generals must be present to serve as a warning. Sound the alarm to everyone, so that you can make mistakes in the future.

"Should come with Old Chief Meng."

Qin Yue knew that it was the old man of the Meng family who had come in person. He killed his grandson and couldn't swallow this breath!

"Commander, can I go and see Shen Yu?" Qin Yue whispered: "The Living Hades has not come back until now. I am really worried. Maybe Shen Yu may be able to speak out."

Su Jiang hesitated, "Go! Be careful not to make trouble." For a whole month, they used various methods to forcibly cross Heihe, but unfortunately they didn't have that strength.

Xu Qigang went in a hurry and didn't have enough equipment, I don't know what to do! It's really worrying. Fortunately, Ningning’s Xialian team has been busy performing and has no energy to investigate.

Su Jiang discovered that Ningning was a girl with terrifying intuition, which was really good material for the soldier. At that time, why did I think of entering the art troupe!

"Okay! Don't worry, I will keep a low profile!" Qin Yue made a salute and flashed out of the crowd calmly.

Before Qin Yue came, he had already checked the place where Shen Yu was temporarily detained, and the last room in the corridor was the detention room. A guard stands at the entrance of five meters, and it is more than thirty meters away.

"Who?" As soon as he approached, the soldier had already raised his gun to block the way.

With a serious expression, Qin Yue took out his and Su Jiang's military badges from his body and handed them to the opponent. The opponent glanced quickly and gave way.

"Thank you!"

Qin Yue came to the interrogation room unimpeded, and opened the door with a row of iron railings. Through the railings, he could see the handcuffed Shen He.

After being imprisoned for a month, Shen Yu now and before are almost as sentenced to two. The hair was shaved close to the scalp, and his back was slightly rickety in his thin thirties.

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