"The visitor is here today." Guo Jie pushed the room open, "Or I let them wait first?"

"Okay!" Xu Qigang's original soft expression instantly turned cold and turned away thousands of miles away, because he had already seen who the visitor was today. To be honest, he doesn't like to deal with some senior cadres.

"Head Xu." Song Huiwen's sweet voice rang before Sister Guo could reply. Standing behind Sister Guo, she raised a gentle smile: "Head Xu, my cousin and I have come to see you."

Song Huiwen looked at Xu Qigang greedily, her eyes lingering on his deep outline over and over. A tall nose, deep eyes, **** lips. Her savior is still as handsome, charming and full of masculinity as when they first met.

Xu Qigang looked at Song Huiwen with a puzzled expression, "Who are you?"

The smile on Song Huiwen's face was stiff for a moment, she silently stepped aside, and Sister Guo had to shrug her shoulders helplessly to let people come to visit her.

"Head Xu, how is the recovery from the injury?" Haishen's expression was normal, and he came in directly with a large bag of things in his hand. After people came in, he realized that there were so many people inside.

"Sorry, I'll be here later." Haishen put the thing on the ground, smiling embarrassedly.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Zhao Lanzhi stood up and greeted: "Qi Gang, is this your comrade-in-arms?"

Sheng An diligently moved a stool for Haishen, but Song Huiwen, who followed in, ignored it.

"Thank you!" Haishen couldn't help but glanced at Sheng An, and secretly praised the little girl for her cleverness. Fortunately, she moved a stool for herself, otherwise she would be embarrassed to stand in the middle.

Sheng An habitually made a playful grimace and ran across his seat quickly. When I did it, I remembered that this was in the city, but wasn't she in her hometown.

cut! Is he worthy?

"Hmm!" Xu Qigang nodded, and at the same time gave the sister-in-law a praise.

Sheng An accepted it successfully and raised her eyebrows with her sister proudly. Hahaha... See your sister is not bad, right?

Song Huiwen, who was ignored by Sheng'an on purpose or inadvertently, stood awkwardly in the ward, watching Sheng'an's eyes flashed with disgust. This girl is putting eye drops on herself!

Xu Qigang introduced: "This is my comrade-in-arms Haishen, this is my parents, and my sister-in-law Sheng'an, Ningning's relatives." Xu Qigang deliberately used her relatives to introduce them, in order to fear that Sheng'an would be invisible. People look down upon.

"Good uncles and aunts, good peace." Haishen has the highest communicative skills. He is not as sassy as Meng Ping. It's not as introverted as Shen Jianguo, and unlike Su Huaian, he talks with anyone.

The embarrassment at the beginning was resolved by Haishen's few words. He asked his uncles and aunts from time to time, and from time to time expressed concern for Xu Qigang, and the atmosphere in the ward was harmonious.

Sheng Ning has also always played the role of a good helper, stood up and poured a glass of water for Hai Shen.

"Thank you sister-in-law."

"You're welcome." Sheng Ning chuckled at the corner of her mouth with a deep-skinned smile. Among the children in the courtyard, she was the least familiar with Haishen. Because of the things Hailan last time, he didn't have a good impression of him, but it couldn't be said to be too annoying.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Sheng Ning obviously only poured a glass of water, but Song Huiwen politely thanked him after seeing the opportunity.

Sheng Ning looked at her empty hand, she didn't even want to pour water on her, okay?

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