May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 909: Daughter-in-law i was wrong

Sheng Ning added: "By the way, Sister Guo, please disinfect the room. We all have bacteria on our bodies, so it's not suitable to stay in such a high-end place."

Sister Guo secretly smiled covering her mouth.

"Daughter-in-law, I was wrong."

"Where did you go wrong?"

Xu Qigang thought about it carefully and shook his head firmly. "I'm not wrong anywhere." He was single-minded to the little wife and never looked at the woman outside. He was the best man in the People's Liberation Army.

"Then you think about it." Sheng Ning forced a smile and left with someone. Xu Qigang was left alone on the hospital bed, with a helpless expression on his face.

Chen Yingjie saw through the window that Shengning was leading people passing by, and he limped over to stop by. As soon as I walked in, I saw the head of the group sitting on the bed alone, as if he had been abandoned by someone.

Is it dazzled? Chen Yingjie rubbed his eyes. Sure enough, they are still extremely powerful heads.

"What are you looking at? Don't roll in yet." Xu Qigang's voice became eight degrees colder.

Chen Yingjie dragged his inflexible body, ran to the bed and sat down quickly, "Head, can't you get out of bed?"

These words reminded him that Xu Qigang moved around slightly and nodded. "Sure."

"Then why don't you get out of bed? Lying in bed every day is almost suffocating."

"Your sister-in-law won't let it."

"Huh? She won't get out of bed if she doesn't let you?"

"Why is there so much nonsense?" Xu Qigang scared Chen Yingjie with his cold handsome face and quickly changed the subject.

"Head, I just smoked as if I was discovered by Nurse Guo, wait for you to remember to cover me."

"Smoking is not allowed in the future." Xu Qigang commanded domineeringly.

"Ah? Oh! Okay." Isn't he here at the wrong time today? Why is it so unlucky.

Xu Qigang took an apple and threw it to him, a touch of worry appeared in his handsome eyebrows. "Yingjie, do you remember that the mercenaries in southern Xinjiang have an unwritten rule?"

"What's the rule?" Chen Yingjie paused with Apple's hand, put away the smile on her face, and thought about it carefully. "Is the next captain who wants to take a firm position and must avenge the previous captain?"

"Yeah! I suspect that the mercenaries have already arrived. As for who is here, I don't know."

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing as the head of the regiment? No, I have to report to the teacher." Chen Yingjie stood up and was about to go out, Xu Qigang shouted.

"You calm down, how did I teach you? I can't sit still every time I encounter something."

"I can calm down in everything else, but how can I calm down when it comes to your safety? The enemy has come to the door, and you are still indifferent here."

"I let Shangguantao come." As soon as Xu Qigang's voice fell, Shangguantao was already standing at the door wearing a straight military uniform.

He jokingly smiled and said: "Chen Yingjie, look at you like this, no wonder the whole group wants to beat you." No matter how good the relationship with the team leader is, you can't be so high-profile, right?

Isn't this people jealous?

"Fuck!" Chen Yingjie rolled his eyes, "Didn't you go to study? What's up? Is the grades too bad and returned?"

"..." Can this person's mouth not be cheap? Forget it, he is a patient, and he has indeed done a great job. If he can't compare himself, don't care about him. Shangguan Tao took out a pile of materials from his body, and spread his hands steadily. The materials were densely painted with various lines and countless Morse codes.

"The head of the team has launched an investigation after receiving your call. There were indeed strangers in the city during this period. By the way, do you guess who replaced Scarface after his death?"

Xu Qigang's eyes were deep and he frowned thoughtfully.

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