May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 918: This grandpa is so pitiful

Shengning had a little move, not to become an official, but to increase capital in the future. She glanced at Zhao Lanzhi inadvertently, and her heart shook.

"no need!"

"What?" Su Hai was surprised and even suspected that he had heard it wrong. You know, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and countless people have sharpened their heads and want to squeeze in.

Is this girl stupid?

Zhao Lanzhi heard that Sheng Ning was going to college too, and immediately looked at her restlessly. After Shengning refused, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't have that time. Besides, I'm a soldier, why should I go to a party school?"

Su Hai is so cunning, how could she not think of the reason for her rejection of herself. But he didn't say anything, shrugged and said: "Whatever you want."

"Grandpa, I really need your help with my sister's affairs." Sheng Ning once vowed to never ask the Su family forever, but for An'an to have a better future, she felt that her so-called face and self-esteem were nothing at all. .

"I know, I know, don't worry. I have already told my old comrades-in-arms that I will give An'an a special recruitment quota."

If a person really wants to help you, he will do a good job for you without having to ask for it personally. Sheng Ning knew that grandpa was really good for her, and unconsciously got a lot closer.

"We don't need to recruit special quotas."

"Yeah, I don't want special tricks. Any special tricks are just going through the back door." An An said dismissively. "Although I haven't studied for more than a year, I have achieved good grades before. I can definitely rely on my own ability. Entrance to university."

"That's OK, I'll find you a junior high school in our compound. I'll see if you have the ability to enter the university."

"Grandpa, don't look at people in the door, my sister was not as good as my grades."

"Hahaha... we are really promising in Ananke."

"That is, I will make a lot of money to honor my parents in the future."

The people in the living room couldn't help laughing in good faith, even Su Hai smiled.

The old man Hai was sitting on the side, watching the Su family's lively, old comrades-in-arms smile so proudly, he felt more and more sad. Where is his treasure?

Why can't I find it after searching for so long?

Every time Grandpa Hai thought of Bo'er, he felt sad for a while, as if he was blocked by something, almost out of breath. Bao'er cannot be found for a day, and the eldest son will not move back in a day.


Master Hai sighed deeply and waved to the back. The guard held a cane and handed it over to support him. "I still have something in my house, so I won't bother you."

"Oh! Lao Hai, why are you leaving? Ning Ning personally cooks today, don't you like her the most?"

"It's okay, the next time I eat it will be the same." Old man Hai waved and left tremblingly.

The old man Su knew the pain in his old comrade-in-arms, and he would not call him if he knew it, so it seemed that he was deliberately irritating him.

An An looked at the lonely and old back of Old Man Hai and couldn't help saying: "This grandfather is really pitiful."

"He is not pitiful at all."


"Oh!" An An nodded, not knowing what happened to him. I just watched the old man walking out on crutches. I felt sad and wanted to cry.

The lunch at noon was cooked by Sheng Ning himself, and his aunt helped. The old man accompanied Su Hai and chatted with Xu Xianxiong in the living room. The adults chatted, and An An squatted at the door alone, holding his chin in a daze.

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