May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 966: Living Hades with black and white impermanence

Ha ha ha...Anyway, to be a wife of the Yan Wang, at least it must be at the level of black and white impermanence. It is absolutely not easy to mess with. She even dared to stabbed Master Hai's daughter, and she could stand here peacefully after stabbing, knowing it was not easy to provoke.

When An An saw Fatty Zhu, he hid behind Sheng Ning meaningfully.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay!" Sheng Ning comforted her by holding her hand: "Don't worry, no one can hurt you."

"Yeah!" An An held her hand tightly, took a deep breath, and bravely stood next to Shengning again, and the two stood side by side.

Minister Zhu came closer, "Hello, Comrade Shengning." After speaking, he passed the fruit in his hand, "This is our visit to Head Xu."

Sheng Ning took it, "I thank you for him."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Minister Zhu watched Sheng Ning go on the road, did not stare at the endless things of yesterday, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

"I was very sorry yesterday, we caught the wrong person."

The younger sister was stunned by the electric chair, Sheng Ning felt angry and distressed, and she was too lazy to look good when she saw this group of people. But she is not a recruit who knows nothing, she naturally knows how to behave.

I don't want to cause too much trouble and offend the living Hades.

"What happened yesterday was also that I was worried about my sister's eagerness. It was too impulsive." Sheng Ning slightly bent to apologize, "I'm very sorry for causing you trouble.

People in the sedan chair lift people up, others are sincere, and Minister Zhu also has face, and naturally he is willing to give the other party more face.

"No, no...You can't be blamed for this. You are right to do so to prevent us from making bigger mistakes."

"Actually, you are not to blame. My sister was framed, and you are also victims."

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm here today to find out the source of the guns thoroughly, and return your sister to be fair." Minister Zhu stated the main purpose of coming, and was very nervous all the way, for fear of the black and white impermanence. Temper drove them out.

If she really did this, she really couldn't help it.

Last night, Chief Su personally made a phone call with Chief No. 3, and his attitude was extremely short-sighted and extremely arrogant, making Chief No. 3 dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, we will cooperate. But I can declare again that the pistol is not my sister's, it was deliberately put on her body and framed her. As for who it is, I think you can ask the soldier Ronaldinho in the compound. ."

"Xiao Luo and others are being investigated for negligence of duty." Minister Zhu finished speaking, turning his head for fear of frightening An An, put on the most kind expression and said: "Hello Comrade Sheng'an, we would like to ask you about the details of the scene. ."

An An glanced at Sheng Ning.

"It's okay, you tell them, tell them everything you know."

"it is good!"

"We borrowed the office from the dean, let's go to the office and talk!"

"Thank you." Sheng Ning knew the rules, and was not certain that he could not be present when investigating and enquiring. It was already a special consideration for not bringing An An back to the Security Command.

"Here." Director Zhu left with An An.

Sheng Ning sat down in a chair in the corridor, and while waiting, she wondered in her mind what exactly would Zhou Yuan and Hailan do with the remarks yesterday? I already knew that Hailan had stuffed An An with the pistol, and the source of the pistol was Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan is absolutely not qualified to be equipped with a gun when she works in the municipal library, and even Hailan does not. And now so many people are checking the source of the guns, once they are found, it will be unlucky.

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